Chapter 1 || A New Start

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     It was a normal ordinary day in your household. You were currently in your room watching The Conjuring. Ever since you learned about the paranormal you were intrigued. You were hugging your knees with your arm while the other was used to pet your cat, Nina. You were using your hand, not your whole entire arm by the way if you got that idea. Nina suddenly sat up and meowed for a while, causing you to look at her. She jumped onto your bed and onto the floor, looking at you in a signaling way like she wanted you to follow her. You paused the movie and stood up starting to follow the cat. Nina looked back every so often just to check if you were following.

     You went out of your room and left the door slightly ajar, just in case you wanted to go back anytime soon quickly. She lead you downstairs signaling that she wanted to be fed. When you got closer to the downstairs portion of your house you smelled a delicious aroma of [Favorite Food]. As you went closer to the kitchen, the smell got stronger. You went in to see your mom getting breakfast ready. "Hello, Dear, how are you?" asked your mom. She was in the kitchen smiling warmly. Smiling as well, you replied with, "I'm good, Mum, looks amazing today, just like you~" Your mom giggled a bit and put your breakfast on two plates, setting the plates on the dining table.

     "Awe, [First Name], you flatter me. Now now, let's eat breakfast before it gets a tad cold," your mom started, getting herself a cup of coffee and you [Favorite Drink]. You went to get your cat some cat food and water. No, it's not made out of cats. After you fed your cat you went to the dining table to have a nice breakfast with your mom. As you sat down on the seat in front of your mom, you started to eat. Your mom turned on the t.v. in the dining room and started turning on the news. You were almost done with breakfast, but before you took another bite you saw a face through the back screen door. It was a distance away but it was staring at you.

     You stared back slightly frightened by the person who was staring at you. "[-Name], [First Name] are you okay?" Your mom's voice snapped you out of your trance and you looked at her. She looked at you with a worried gaze. "Oh uh....what were you saying?" you asked. "Well, I was talking about your first day of school before you suddenly zoned out," she said, "What were you looking at anyway?" she said afterwards, looking behind her. You looked as well seeing that the figure was gone. "O-oh it's nothing," you said, finishing your breakfast. Seeing that you were done, your mom took the plates and the mugs. "I wouldn't want you late on your first day of school, do you?" said your mom kindly, walking away into the kitchen.

     Looking at your watch, it said it was 6:00 in the morning, you sure woke up early. You had about an hour and half to get ready and get to school. Since the school was an okay distance away, you knew you were fine. You stood up and pushed your chair in before you went upstairs. You went into your room and closed the door behind you. You opened your closet and got out your uniform. It was a simple beige school uniform sweater and a gray skirt. You put on your purple bow and black knee high socks. Quickly grabbing your school bag, phone, and other necessities, you in a way ran downstairs. You went to the kitchen to get your lunch, go into your living room to kiss your mom's cheek, and put on your [Favorite Color] converse. Running out and closing the door, stopped and looked at the time. 7:00 You didn't need to rush. It was a habit that you would rush. You put your lunch in your bag and checked your supplies.

     Phone, check, school bag, check, lunch, check, keys, che- no....You turned around to see your mom standing at the front door. "Forget these dear?" she asked with a smile. You took them when your mom gave them and smiled. "Thanks mum~" you said, kissing her cheek again. She giggled and went back inside, locking the door behind her. You walked off to school looking ahead thinking of what to do. You felt a stare burn into her head but she ignored it and continued on. Once she reached the school gate was closed. You checked the time and it was 7:17. You were only 13 minutes early. Sighing, you took your phone out to check your notifications. You heard footsteps coming closer to you and someone stood next to you.

     "Yo, what you doing?" said the person next to you. "I'm checking out the notifications on my phone?" you said. It took a few seconds until the person decided to take your phone out of your hands and you looked up at the person. There was not one, but two male and one female figure there. The girl who was slightly shorter than you holding your phone. "Pay attention when someone is speaking to you, Nerd." said the red headed female. The other two guys snickered and you sighed. "Give me my phone back.." you mumbled. "Bow down to me, Nerd, and maybe I'll give it back~" she said. Ugh.... You were about to until you heard someone's voice. "Give it back to her, Sophia~" said a cheerful voice. Looking over you saw a girl with brown and pink hair. She looked like the usual cheerful outgoing person. Your [Eye Color] eyes were covered by a hand and the bullies shrieked slightly. Hearing them run away, you felt the person behind you sigh, and you felt the hand get removed from your face.

     Looking at the cheerful girl, you were confused at how easy she made it seem to scare off the bullies. Remembering about your phone, you were about to start freaking out a little but a hand held yours and put your phone back into your hand. You looked behind you to see a girl with black hair and aqua eyes. The black haired girl walked over to the cheerful girl. They were talking for a bit. That gave you some time to look at the two. The brown and pink haired girl slightly shorter than you. The girl had sky blue eyes and wore uniform similar to yours but with a blue tie and uniform jacket instead of a sweater. The girl looked like an outgoing person but something told you that there was something deeper. The girl with midnight blue eyes was taller than you but it was because you were slightly shorter than the average teen. She was only taller by a few inches but it was still taller.

     The thing that stood out about her was that she was wearing a male's uniform. She had a blue tie to go along with her uniform. After examining the two you decided to thank them since you never had someone stand up for you. "U-uh, thank you for getting my phone back. I really appreciate it," you said. You were slightly blushing since you don't usually get help. In a way you, were a loner. You always got used to the bullies that bullied you. It's been happening since you were little and you got used to it, never did you imagine someone, or some people, to stand up for you. "No problem, we couldn't let you get bullied, it's not a polite way to meet the new first years." said the taller female. She had a deep, soothing voice which reminded you of a calm breeze. "Of COURSE we wouldn't leave you~ You looked like you needed help," said the smaller female. She reminded you of a happy party cannon.

     You felt tears prick at the edge of your eyes but you held them back. "T-thanks," you said. The duo walked towards the gate, which you noticed was now open. They waved at you to follow them. "I'm Deemo and this is Bonny, call her Bon, let's be friends shall we?" said the aqua eyed girl, smiling warmly. Bon and Deemo look back at you and you smiled. You nodded and followed,

Allowing the start of a new school year to start with new friends~

It was A New Start~

[DISCONTINUED] Trick or Retreat (Jeff the Killer x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now