Chapter 1

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If people are pleased with you , but Allah is not, what have you gained?
If Allah is pleased with you, but no one else is, what have you lost!

If people are pleased with you , but Allah is not, what have you gained? If Allah is pleased with you, but no one else is, what have you lost!

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Her coral coloured dress, swished around her ankles, as she strolled on the soft, smooth and slightly heated beach sand. Her scarf danced in the breeze, her sandals dangled from one hand, while she held her dress in the other.

She inhaled the fresh air, the salty smell filled her nose, as she exhaled, she let out a sigh of contentment.

She was deep in thought, the sound of the crashing waves merely a soft melody compared to her stormy thoughts. 

The grains of sand clung and fell from her feet as she walked ahead, the slight breeze ruffled her dress, as she walked aimlessly, enjoying the feeling of freedom.

"Heyyyyy Safwaaa "

Shaakir screamed right into her ear.

Safwa glared at him in annoyance.

He was three years older than Safwa, but sometimes behaved so childishly.

Despite his occasionally annoying moods and childish behaviour, she had to admit that he loved her to bits and he was super over protective.

"What is your problem Shaakir? I was enjoying the feeling of the sand on my toes, the wind whipping my nose, the sound of the crows, ...the ...the "

Safwa frowned, unable to think of another rhyming word.

Shaakir didn't even bother to laugh at her attempt of poetry, instead he gave her a stern glare.

"What ?"

She rose her eyebrows in question.

"That boy keeps staring at you."

He pointed to a boy who sat on the steps nearby.

Safwa rolled her eyes, not even attempting to look up.

There were always boys who stared, wherever she went, but she would simply ignored them.

"The more attention you give them, the more they are going to stare, just ignore them Shaakir. "

"No that's not the point, you need to start wearing the niqaab so that no boy can gaze at you, how amazing it is for a woman to preserve her beauty just for her husband".

Safwa groaned.

Her brother always gave her lectures, always, even on their holidays his lectures would never cease.

"Bro bear, firstly even if I do wear niqaab and a boy has to stare at me, you will still scratch his eyes out. Secondly, I cover my hair and wear modest, loose as well as long clothing. !"

"Oh Allah guide this sister of mine"

Shaakir raised his hands above his head.

"Aameen to your dua, but please don't carry on like I'm a big shaytaan ! "

Safwa huffed in annoyance and speed walked, her dress flying behind her.

She sat cross legged on the sand, playing with the sand, watching as it slid through her fingers and fell back down, creating a little heap beside her.

"I'm off to buy some ice cream, what flavour do you want?"

She heard Shaakir's voice behind her.

"Just plain vanilla please."

She replied, her back still facing him.

Shaakir stared at the back of Safwa's head, she never liked plain Ice Cream, it was always Oreo, Bar one or Aero.

She only ever opted for plain and boring things when something was on her mind. 

What was wrong with her?

He made a mental note to speak to her later.

Shaking his head at his sister who seemed to be lost in a world of her own, he walked away.

Safwa gazed intently at the crashing waves of the ocean, the way they started off roughly, crashed against each other, as if at war, then aproached her, leaping one after the other as if in a race, then calming down and gently washing over the shore, splashing cool, salty and foamy water around her feet , which were now stretched out in front of her.

She curled her toes and sighed in contentment, enjoying the way the water cooled her feet and mind.

SubhanAllah! Every creation of Allah Subhaanhau Wa Ta'alah is  so amazing, but the ocean is just something else.
She had no words to describe it's beauty.

She was so lost in her thoughts, staring into the depths of the ocean, that she failed to notice the presence of a certain someone that had been watching her earlier on.

"Beautiful isn't it. "

She broke free from her reverie, startled by a sudden male voice.

That voice it sounded so was a distant memory, but she knew that voice very well and she hoped she was wrong.

Safwa hesitantly looked up, praying that she was imagining his voice.

Her eyes met his dark brown, almost black eyes.

Her eyes widened in shock, her heart hammered in her chest, her cheeks flushed in anger, her heart clenched in pain.

Oh skittles !  She was so so dead !

He was back !

He was back to make her life a misery once again !

* * *

Oceans of love

Jawhariy 💙

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