Chapter 12

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Safe Sanctuary.

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"Turn ye back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,-"

(Aaya 31 , Surah Rum)

(Aaya 31 , Surah Rum)

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💫 My Safe Sanctuary 💫

My walls of defence have been built up high, in the safety of my sweet sanctuary I abide,
Safe from the desolate world, from its tempestuous storms and inevitable tide.

My once deranged life, my once audacious heart, my once bleak soul,
Now unravel into a blooming array of beautiful paintings, once again I feel whole.

My once sensitive soul was attenuated, painfuly in my chest it would rampage and throb,
The pain would accrue, gradually breaking out into a full blown sob.

I would feel objected, rejected, misjudged and unprotected,
People would advocate that I be ignored, not realising how badly I was affected.

All thanks to My Lord, that I have now attained guidance, I revel in the safety of my sweet sanctuary,
Away from judgemental eyes, far from acerbic people, from heart break I am free.

In the embrace of my sanctuary I dwell, at peace of mind and heart, swimming with ease,
I have made a firm resolution to tame my heart, to put my heart at peace.

My walls of defence have been held up high, in this sweet sanctuary of mine I abide,
Safe from the desolate world , it's tempestuous storm, and inevitable tide.


She walked on the side walk, a spring in her step, a wide smile on her pink lips, a sparkle in her eyes, a heart that was now at peace, her mind at ease. She was adorned in a floor legnth, pleated, fusha skirt, topped off with a denim jacket, a scarf maching her skirt, wrapped securely on her head, she held her favourite cherry slush in her hand and walked joyfully, like she had no sorrow in the world.

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