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The entire match between Anani and Maxine has me on edge. I know Anani knows how to take care of herself but i still worried. She came close to being hit several times. When Maxine did the Fire Blitz I practically ran to the arena door, only being stopped by the headmaster. Thankfully the match was over but I know Anani got hit. I wish she would run over here so I could take care of her already and so my mind can be at ease.

 The next thing I see is two dragons appear from the ground and all I knew was that I had to save her. It didn't matter how and I didn't think things through as I push pass the headmaster and run out on the field with two dragons coming straight at me. I call out to Anani before I use my air affinity and create a whirlwind, smothering one dragon only to have it appear again and without knowing it the second dragon attacked. I felt like all the magic I had was ripped out of me in that instance as I fell back.

And I was down.

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