Let The Mountains Tell You

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Let The Mountains Tell You!

Look up and let the mountains tell you
How big and how strong you really are
Their magnificent crowns clearly show you
How near and how far you are from sky...

See if you can grab all of their water streams
Inside the palms of your bare two hands
Raise all your thoughts and all your dreams
Carrying your orders and all your commands...

Please let all the high mountains speak
When they are embracing the roaring thunders
To find if all the glories a mere human seek
Can surpass the splendor of nature's wonders...

Let their serpentine roads and the waterfalls
Remind you how swift and steady you can go
The flying creature, the one that crawls
How great and majestic is your strength at all...

Amaze yourself with the work of the Almighty God
Within the blue mist ascending all around you
Watch with your heart from their very tiptops
Listen to the whispers and let the mountains tell you!

(c) Francisco Escaño
        June 28, 2016

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