Chapter III

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Gwaine's POV...

I'm casually walking up the street towards my house. When I get their I notice the door is wide open. It looks like it's been kicked in. I rush inside and look around. I call out for my sister but she is nowhere to be found. Then I notice a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of my boot. I carefully peal it off and begin to read as the notes addressed to me. It's been written in neat slanted handwriting, obviously a woman's writing.

My dear enemy Gwaine Stark,

I have your sister. If you want to save her, then you will come find me and give your self up. If you do I will spare her, but if you do not I will kill her while you watch on helpless.

Your dear enemy Jen Renner.

I growl. I crumple up the letter and toss it into the fire. I grab my sward, my gun, my hat and head out the door closing it behind me. I race down to the dock where my ship is. The second most precious thing in my life. My beautiful Rose, my sweet beloved ship. I walk up the gangway and bored the ship. My second in command comes over. "Cap'n?" He questions. "She took Morgana". I growl as I push past him. "Hoist the anchor you scurvy dogs!" I shout and my crew immediately gets to it. "I'm coming sister". I whisper to my self as we set sail.


Jen's POV...

"Jennifer!" Drew shouts me. He rushes over to where I'm stud at the bow of the ship with Iorek. "What's is it Drew?" I ask. He hands me a rolled up pice of paper. I take it from him and unfold it. It's written in scruffy handwriting, obviously a mans.

My dear enemy Jen Renner,

I'm coming for my sister, and when I get there if you have so much as touched one hair on her head you will pay. You know I have no problem with taking someone dear to you. However if she is good and well I will gladly give my self up to save her.

Your dear enemy Gwaine Stark.

I smiles devilishly. "It worked". I say to Drew as I tear up the letter and through the pieces over board. I turn around. "Don't worry Iorek, I will get revenge for both of us". I say and I kiss his cheek. He grabs hold of a clump of my hair. "Ow, ow ow". I say and I finally manage to pry my hair from his little hand. "One day you will be captain on this ship and people will shiver when they hear your name, just like they did when they
heard 'his' ". I tell him. He giggles as I whisper in his ear. He sits on the the nautical figurehead which is a mermaid. He looks down at the sea as we sail, it makes him smile which makes me smile. I clime up onto the figurehead and sit with my legs either side whit him in between them. We sit and watch for hours and hours. Finally Iorke falls asleep. "Drew". I whispered as I catch sight of him walking past me. He turns and smiles, taking Iorke from me so I can get down without waking him. I thank him and he passes Iorke back to me. He kisses his nose. "Night little laddie". He whispers.

I take Iorke below deck and into the cabin. I gently put in him some more comfortable clothes and set him down gently in the cradle. I pull the covers over his shoulders and kiss his for head before leaving.

Back on the deck I take the helm from Arthur and continue to sail in the same direction. We seemed to be headed in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. I sailed on through the night and into the early hours of the morning. I was begging to grow sleepy and I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open, but I had to Drew and Arthur deserved some good shut eye. They had always been very good to me. At first the whole crew was unsure about having a woman aboard the ship. Arthur would always talk about me to 'him', but 'he' was to interested in me to care what the crew thought. I though it was funny how Arthur would get annoyed. They soon warmed up to me though and eventually I was one of the crew. Now I'm the captain and I have to do right by my crew. The sun was about to rise and that's when Arthur and Drew emerged form below deck. They came over to me. "You look exhausted, get some rest". Drew said putting a hand on my shoulder. "We will take it from here". I smiled and nodded.


Morgana's POV...

I have been in this retched cell for almost two days and I cant take it any longer. I have no doubt that my brother is coming to get me, but like I always say, the only one who saves me is me. I stand up from where I'm sat in the brig. I look around the cell and notice a wooden spoon on the floor under some dirt. It has a bit of metal twisted round it. I grab it and untwist the metal. I stick it into the lock. "Come on Morgana it's all about the tumblers". I whisper to my self. The lock clicks and the cell door opens. I smile and rush out, I walk the back way as to avoid the guards out side.

I walk down a hall before I come to a door. Slowly and carefully I push it open. I enter a store room full of barrels of rum and crates of food. I walk past a crate full of apples and take one. Finally I come to another door. I open it up and enter the crews sleeping quarters. Thankfully there's no one down here. I quickly excite through a smaller door at the back. These halls seem to run the length of the ships as I find my self in the cap'n's quarters.

There are four separate rooms, on is occupied as there's a light on. I slowly and quietly go to creep past it, but my curiosity gets the better of me and I lean in closer to see if I can here anything. I can her Renner talking to someone though the person never answers her. I peek through the little glass window and see her leaning over a cradle. I furrow my eye brows in confusion. I wander who's kid that is, I mean I didn't see any other woman aboard this ship. I stay and watch. I can hear her. "Don't worry little laddie once we get revenge for daddy we can start over. We can be happy again. Maybe I can even take you to my castle. Would you like that? My little prince". I hear her say to the sleeping baby. I step back from the window and my hand covers my mouth. "What have we done?". I whisper to my self. A tear trickles down my cheek at the memory of my mother and farther and I look down at my stomach. I turn and flee the way I came back to my cell.


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