Chapter XIII

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Jen's POV ...

It's been so many months since we had a run in with Stark. It's almost as if he's dropped of the face of the earth. Although I'm betting our peace won't let for long. There only a few weeks left to go before Morgana's baby is born. She's really nervous now, I understand why. I was her age when I had Iorke. I, glad I can be her for here. I think she's glad of it to. Not having to give birth on her brothers ship, in fact I thinks she's glad she's not near her brother at all sometimes.

Arthur's really excited to meet his son or daughter, even though he's not really the farther. I haven't seen him this happy since Low. It makes me smile. There lucky to have each other. Arthur and Drew are speaking on friendly terms, finally. It's depressing when they fall out. Even the rest of the crew get depressed when they fall out, it's like watching a bunch of zombies mop the deck.

Speaking of Drew he's actually been much cheerier lately. I don't know what's more annoying him being his normal grumpy self of him being weirdly cheery. I really want to know what's put him in such a good mood, but I dare not ask in case I put him in a bad one.


Morgana's POV ...

I'm really nervous now, only a few weeks before my daughter is born. Arthur's really excited, he's been excellent. He's been waiting on me hand and foot. Okay it can be a little annoying sometimes but it's sweet. I'm really glad of the last few months of my life and it's finally started to get back on track. Pushing my brother out my life for a while really helped me grow and become more my self. Not this vicious killer people thought I was, but a young girl who did what she had to do to survive.

When people look at me now all they see is my bump. They see a young foolish girl who probably can barely look after her self let alone a child. There wrong though. My life has been full of difficulty. Before I was week, but my daughter made me stronger me she's not even here yet. My daughter was what made me take action to turn my life around and make it better. Now I have a wonderful, loving, caring and if I do say so myself very handsome man in my life. I have the big sister I always wanted and eventually I know I'll have a decent older brother in Drew. So those people couldn't be more wrong. My life is exactly how it's meant to be and I wouldn't change it for the world.


Drew's POV...

I'm actually really excited to meet the soon to be new crew member. Though I will not admit it out loud. I'm actually starting to warm up to Morgana. Something else I will not be admitting out loud. It's nice to see Arthur finally happy again, truly happy. I'm actually a little jealous to be honest. Though I could never see my self having my own family. I've always been more of a lone wolf.


Arthur's POV...

I'm so excited only a few weeks till my little princess is born. I can't wait to meet her. To teach her how to be a lady, but also how to fight. Morgana's going to b a wonderful mam, despite what other people may think and despite what she thinks. Having two little ones running around should be fun, interesting, but fun. The little laddie will have someone to play with when she gets older. I know Iorke is always talking about having a brother or sister to play with. He understands that mammy needs to find someone she loves for that to happen though. Life on bored the Cordelia is really wonderful at the moment. It's a real shame Ash isn't here to see it.


Gwaine's POV...

Flash back...

"Mommy". A little boy with dark black hair rushes over to a pretty lady with black hair and icy blue eyes and white as snow skin. "Hello laddie, what have you and daddy be doing?" She asked her seven year old son. "Daddy and I went fishing". The little boy squeals. The pretty lady smiles. "Keep your voice down laddie, you'll wake your sister". She says. The boy nods and smiles before wondering over to the crib where his sister as peacefully sleeping. The family gather round the crib to watch. The baby coos as she sleeps. The the door is kicked opened and two pirate enter. Their sorts and guns drawn.

The man pushes his wife and son behind him, grabbing the sward he made. He shakes as he try's to protect his young helpless family. He lunges towards one of the pirates. The baby is crying loudly after being woken by here rude noisy gusts. The pirate finally drives his sward through the mans chest and he drops dead onto the floor. "Daddy!" The little boy screams.

The tow pirates grab hold of the helpless, tear stain cheeked mother and drag her towards the door. She fights and fights till one of them looses their grip. She rushes over to her son. She kneels down and looks him dead in the eyes. The two pirates grab hold of her. She kisses her sons head firmly. "Take care of your sister for me. I love you Gwaine". She gasps before she's dragged away. The door slams shut and a single gun shot is heard from out side...

I'm awoke from my dream by a loud bang of rom above. I grumble and stumble out of bed. I trudge up the stairs and not the deck. I lock my sight on one of my crew, who is picking up a cannon ball.

I storm over to him and snatch the ball off him. "Watch what your doing you scurvy dog!" I yell in his face. Unnecessarily really, but after the painful dream, or should I say memory I just had. I needed someone to take my anger out on.


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