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Both boys walked beside each other, awkward silence between them.

Seungcheol cleared his throat, as he looked over in Jeonghan's direction.

"So. . .what do you want to do?," Seungcheol asked, smiling at the other.

"Die," Jeonghan answered casually, keeping his eyes glued to the ground.

Seungcheol laughed nervously, their conversation not only growing awkward but extremely uncomfortable.

"Sorry. . .i didn't mean to make things awkward betw-," Jeonghan began but was cut off when Seungcheol intertwined their fingers,"What are you doing?" Jeonghan asked shocked.

"I don't want you to give up on life, so why don't we make this a moment to remember?"

Jeonghan paused for a moment, for he was deep in thought.

He laughed inside at the fact that Seungcheol really thought he could save him, but he was wrong.

Jeonghan looked up, shaking his deep thoughts from his head.

"Okay," he said, letting the words flow from his mouth.

He didn't want to do much, he just wanted to feel happy. . . even if it was for a little while.

"It's up to you, anything you want to do," Cheol said smiling. He desperately wanted Jeonghan to change his mind. He believed he could do it and he wouldn't give up.

"Anything?" Jeonghan asked, arching his eyebrow.

"Anything," Seungcheol repeated, nodding his head.

Jeonghan hesitated for what he was going to do next. But then he thought why should he hesitate?

He took a deep breath and leaned into Seungcheol in one quick motion, connecting their lips.

Even though today was their second to third conversation, Jeonghan didn't care.

He never kissed anyone before and before he died, it was something he wanted to do. And lucky him, because the person he had wanted to kiss the most had their lips attached to his right now.

"What now?" Seungcheol asked pulling away after a while, his cheeks dusted pink.

"We bother people," Jeonghan said, smiling. The smile traveled from his mouth, and rested in his eyes. It was a look Seungcheol planned to grow familiar with.

"Not just anyone, but I have something I want to do," Jeonghan said.
After doing a short shopping trip the boys stood infront of their principle's house, a bag of toilet paper in one hand, and a can of black spraypaint in the other.

"What do you have against the principle?" Seungcheol asked curiously, as he watched Jeonghan walk up the driveway to the white car that rested there.

"I told him I was sexually assaulted by a student, and he said I was lying. Then when I assured him I wasn't, that bastard told me that if I conducted myself in a less 'feminine' manner, I could've avoided it," Jeonghan said angrily, as he began spraying words on the side of the priciple's car.

Seungcheol thew the toilet paper rolls as best he could, watching the paper stretch out over the trees, and the house its self.

Content with their work about half an hour later, both of the boys left the premises while laughing their asses off.

"Just one more thing left," Jeonghan said looking at his clock.

They got out of school at 4, and spent 4 hours together.

The time went by so fast and honestly Jeonghan didn't want it to end, but he thought that was too much to ask for.

"What is it?" Seungcheol asked as he let Jeonghan pull him through the park they were in.

"Watch the stars with me. It's cheesy I know. . .but just do it for me," Jeonghan said as he layed down, and stared up at the night sky.

"It's not cheesy," Cheol said, earning a questionable look from Jeonghan.

"Okay, maybe just a little bit," Cheol said laughing quietly along with Jeonghan.

Silence settled between the two, but it wasn't awkward.

It was comfortable.

"The stars look beautiful," Cheol said, as his hands searched for Jeonghan's that rested somewhere in the grass.

"I'll be one of them soon," Jeonghan said, he couldn't help but smile. He felt the grip on his hand tighten.

Cheol looked over at the other, and he saw a look of pure happiness.

And though he wanted the other to be happy, the reason for his happiness gave Cheol a feeling that was anything but happy.

Just One Wish//jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now