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Seungcheol sat in his seat, his fingers tapping on his desk. He glanced at the clock every 5 seconds as his right leg unconsciously bounced up and down.

He waited eagerly for Jeonghan to arrive and before he knew it, seconds turned to minutes.

Minutes turned to hours.

And hours turned into days.

So now four days later, it was Friday, and no one knew Jeonghan's whereabouts until the homeroom teacher came into class, a small smile plastered on his face.

"Class, I am sad to announce that we have lost a fellow student. . .Yoon Jeonghan," their homeroom teacher said.

Seungcheol just sat in his seat motionless, he couldn't even blink.

"He jumped off the roof of Kim Corp. tower last night," the teacher said.

Seungcheol expected glum looks, and eyes filled with regret and shame from the people that surrounded him.

But instead he saw smiles, and glimpses of relief and slight joy in almost every one's eyes.

Besides his own.

"What the fuck is everyone smiling for? Someone died because of all of your inhumane actions," Seungcheol yelled bursting up from his seat.

"He gave our school a bad reputation. It's for the best that he's gone. He was a waste of space," the teacher casually replied.

Cheol felt as if his head was about to split open. It was throbbing.

"That's bullshit! He has the best grades out of all the third years," Cheol yelled, causing the teacher to flinch.

All the thoughts that restlessly pushed and pulled at eachother romed around in his head, desperately trying to get out.

He needed to breathe.

Cheol quickly grabbed his stuff, leaving the room.

He walked right out of the school's front doors, and just walked as he breathed in the fresh air.

After a while he found himself at the same place him and Jeonghan were while stargazing.

He lit one of his many cigarettes as he looked at the sky.

"Jeonghan. . .are you there?" he asked, his eyes searching the gray sky.

He chuckled at how stupid he must look. . .talking to thin air, but he didn't care.

"I. . .I know we didn't know each other long but I wish we did," Cheol went on, the words began clinging to his throat.

"I wish. . .you would've stayed longer. I know I'm selfish for asking that. . .but I miss you," Cheol said, not bothering to finish his half smoken cigarette as he threw it to the ground.

He blinked away the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Are you happy now?"

He asked, hoping the boy was somewhere listening.

Feeling the same way the other felt about him now.

"I wish one day I'll be as happy as you are right now. . .Jeonghan,".

Just One Wish//jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now