A Pondering

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What do you do when you feel useless?

What do you do when time is against you?

What do you do when the future is blind?

What do you do when all seems lost?

What do you do when life seems empty?

What do you do when your day goes by?

What do you do when all you do is wait?

What do you do when everyone is dying?

What do you do when creativity is not there?

What do you do when you think you're failing?

What do you do when motivation isn't there?

What do you do when you hate your job?

What do you do when options seem closed?

What do you do when hopelessness sets in?

What do you do when the music is playing?

What do you do when you need an escape?

What do you do when the computer sucks you in?

What do you do when sleep is all you want?

What do you do when people piss you off?

What do you do when there is a nice day?

What do you do when you can't fall asleep?

What do you do when your body aches?

What do you do when friends move away?

What do you do when you feel it's the end?

What do you do when you feel betrayed?

What do you do when you feel uncertain?

What do you do when you've told a lie?

What do you do when you make a mistake?

What do you do when you feel regret?

What do you do when you want to stay?

What do you do when you run away?

What do you do when the paper is blank?

What do you do when the phone rings?

What do you do when a deja vu occurs?

What do you do when you worry too much?

What do you do when you can't love anyone?

What do you do when things aren't finished?

What do you do when things go unsaid?

What do you do when things inside hurt?

What do you do when the lights go out?

What do you do when sorry isn't enough?

What do you do when you can't smile?

What do you do when happiness isn't there?

What do you do when your mind races?

What do you do when you know you'll fail?

What do you do when you hit rock bottom?

What do you do when the chair is home?

What do you do when life turns around?

What do you do when the page is full?

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