Chapter I

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Hi, my name is Beverly Lloyd. I am a 16 year old from Charleston, South Carolina. I have 3 best friends; Gwen, Darwin, and Otis. We all grew up together. Same neighborhood, bus, and classrooms.
I have wavy hair of different shades of purple, and blue-green eyes. I really don't know how to describe my style, but some of the things I like to wear are: converse, rubber combat boots, skinny jeans, pegged pants, sweaters, T-Shirts, tank tops, and beanies.
All my life I grew up in Charleston... all my life.. in the same house... for 16 years. But no worries, I really like it here and plan to stay here forever. At least in this city.
My neighborhood is small. Everybody knows who I am. I don't know why, though; I've never done nothing special to earn this popularity. Gwen says it's because people like my kind personality, and I think it's true.
The best thing about this neighborhood is that, well, I've known my neighbors all my life and I guess I can say that I'm friends with them.
One thing that has always made me curious about, for some unknown reason, is that one old lady, Ms.Abrith, that lives across the street from my house. She lives all alone and never leaves her house, unless it's to get her groceries. And she never has guests over; literally, not even on the Holidays. Don't you think it's kind of sad to be alone on Christmas, or Hanukah? Yeah, right? Well she has spent all her life alone.
If I had a dollar for every time I've seen that woman smile, I would have no money at all. And that's what I wonder: "Why is Ms.Abrith always unhappy?" I have come to grips that she's a retired widow. And I'm not being nosy and of course I'm not gonna just walk up to her like "What up, Ms.Abrith?! Why dontcha ever smile?" that would be just be weird, I don't even talk to her.
But, I was raised a different way. Every morning I say good morning to everybody I see, and they do it back, even Ms.Abrith, if I see her.
But there's just something about Ms.Abrith that makes me curious. Everybody I know, except her, is a happy social person. Gwen, Darwin, and Otis think she's weird and creepy, but I don't.

(And I apologize if I mention her two or three more times, I just can't help myself.)

Today is the last day of school. FINALLY! This was hell of a year to deal with.

GWEN: "Ooh yes, summer vacation here we come!"
OTIS: "You guys, this summer is going to be epic. I have so many plans I don't know where to start."
DARWIN: "I'm ready for those afternoons where we go out for pizza, take long walks in that one park with a bunch of trees-"
ME: "Ride our bikes, go to the mall. Oh, there's just plenty of wonderful things to do. Makes my anxiety accelerate!"
GWEN: "I feel you; but we're not gonna hang today. Well, at least I'm not."
ME: "Why not, Gwen? I was thinking of going to the movies today."
OTIS: "Well, Beverly, it's been a long week and I kind of agree with Gwen about not hanging today."
DARWIN: "Yeah, I could take a nap."
ME: "Oh.. okay. We can hang tomorrow, right? It's Saturday!"
GWEN: "..Yeah, that doesn't sound bad. We can go watch a movie sometime."
ME: "That's fine. And I understand. I'm quite tired too." not really, though.
OTIS: "We'll see you later, Beverly."
ME: "Bye, guys!"

Hey, no biggie. My friends can't hang today, I'm totally cool with that. I get the whole afternoon all for myself. I can read, write, listen to music, and chill with my cat Domino, he's a Maine Coon. I'm about to walk past Ms.Abrith's house. "Good afternoon, Ms.Abrith!" I said walking by, she just lifted her eyebrows and waved. Damn! She almost smiled.
I walked in my house, "Hey, mom." I said. "Hey, Beverly!" my mom said walking to me and giving me a hug and kiss on my forehead. "What's for lunch?" I asked. "Mac n' Cheese. It's made with Grandma's secret recipe!" she said. "No way." I said. Grandma's mac n' cheese recipe is the best! It's an old family favorite. "Yes, Beverly. I hope it came out just like hers." mom said.
"Well, mom, it should. You and grandma are very alike in quite many things." I added. "Yeah, I thought so too." she said.
Moments later, my dad got home. I got up from the table to greet him. "Hey, dad!" I said. "Hey, sweetheart." my dad said giving me a hug. My mom walked to him and gave him a kiss and I heard her whisper to him: "I haven't told her anything yet." I couldn't help but to ask what she was talking about. "Tell me what?"

She and Dad got all nervous, and my mom decided to break the ice. "Well, Beverly, your dad and I have some good and bad news." and that's when I said "Which is.." and then Dad said, "You know how our anniversary is two weeks from now?" and I said "Yeah.." then mom said, "Well, Beverly, hon, we're going to Los Angeles, California." I could not believe my little pierced ears. For the very first time in my young life, I was going out of state! I haven't even gone out of the city! "Oh my gosh, really?!" I asked covering my mouth.
"Now, don't get too excited, hon-" my mom said and I interrupted with, "Don't get too excited? Mom, are you hearing yourself? I'm going out of state! We're going out of state! I've always wanted to go to California! The beaches, the sunshine!" "Beverly," my mom said, "I just love you guys! You're the best parents ever!" I said hugging them. "Beverly!" my dad said. "I'm sorry. I got too excited. Go ahead." I said sitting down on the couch.
"You're not coming, Beverly." At that moment, all I felt was confusion. "Wha.. what do you mean I'm not coming?" I asked. "Well, hon.. We would love for you to come, but it's for our anniversary, and it's been years since we've had some time for ourselves." my dad said. "Yeah, we have dedicated all these years for you, and we need a break." my mom said. "Mom, you're making it sound as if I was a pain in the butt, I'm not." Beverly said. "I never said you were, Beverly. And I didn't mean for you to interpret it that way. You'll understand when you get older."
"But Mom, are you seriously going to leave me here all alone, while you guys go and celebrate your anniversary, ON THE OTHER COAST OF THE COUNTRY for a whole week!? That has got to be one of the most unfair things I've heard in my life. I'm your daughter, for God's Sake!" I said.
"No, Beverly, you can come vacation with us some other time, and you're not going to be alone while we're gone. Kiera will take care of you."
"Kiera?!" dude, Kiera is a friend of my mom; but I just can't stand her. She is very irresponsible for a 32 year old. And I'm not even gonna say why. "What's wrong with Kiera?" Mom asked "Well, mom. She smokes cigarettes inside the house, and all she does is eat snacks and watch TV! And the only food we eat is take-out food, and order-ins. Is that the kind of person you trust to take care of me for a whole week?" I asked. "Beverly, you're not a baby anymore. You can tell her the things you don't want her to do, and you're not going to just lie to my face that you're not happy when you eat food that's not from home." she said "No mom, I'm not. It's just that she only orders two of the things only she likes, and never bothers to ask me what I'm craving. And sometimes I have to make myself a sandwich or cereal because if I don't like what she got me, her fat self eats it all down. And when I give her a dirty look, she says, can't waste food." I explained. "I'll talk to her about this. But Beverly you can't come." she said.
All that was left for me to do is just accept the fact that I will be spending yet another year, in the same state, in the same city. "When are you leaving?" I asked. "We're leaving Tuesday, and coming back the next Tuesday." Dad said. "Alright, whatever." I said walking upstairs to my room where Domino was taking a nap on a corner of my bed. I dropped by duffel bag and lied down on my back looking at the ceiling of my room. I can't believe my parents would do that to me. I mean, I'm not even a bad kid. They say it as if they were to take a spoiled brat. And my parents always take me where they go. Even if it's to go to the gas station.

I just spent like 3 hours reading and drawing on my sketchbook. It's 7pm. Suddenly, my computer rang. I was getting a video call from my friends! Oh my gosh, I've been wanting to talk to them all afternoon, but since they said they needed some alone time, I decided not to disturb, because I thought it would be a bit disrespectful, annoying, or clingy to interrupt them while they were having time to themselves. But I just quickly answered.

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