The Court of Waffle

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First things first, you'll need to know the members and what they do.

Judges: The Court of Waffle has two Judges, known as the Dual Judges. The current Dual Judges are Redpaw (booksaresupercool59) and Reedpaw, (Yours truly) nicknamed Red and Reed.

Prosecution and Defense: The Prosecution and Defense are two siblings, Sparkpaw and Darkpaw. Darkpaw is Prosecution and Sparkpaw, the Defense.

Clerk: The Clerk of the Court of Waffle is Snowtuft. Snowtuft harbors a deep dislike of any Firestar conspirators or spies after the deaths of her two wafflekits, Bob and Gary. She's kind of trigger happy, but don't tell her I said that!

Reporter: The Reporter of the Court of Waffle is Dawnstar. Dawnstar is slightly crazy, but no less appreciated, as many of The Court of Waffle are.

Interpreter: The Interpreter of the Court of Waffle is Scar. Not much is known of Scar, just that she translates if the witness doesn't speak Waffle. The two languages are Waffle and Potato.

The Jury: The Jury is made bup of Waffle Warriors. They listen and decide, with a majority vote.

The Court is used in times of controversy to make a legal and binding decision. The Court cannot be refuted.

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