The wedding

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Two days later, me and Hermione had apparated ina very big forest. We were sleeping in a tent. Hermione had put loads ofcharms around it so that nobody other than us two could see through it. 

"A letter arrived! A letter arrived Harry!" Hermione shouted. I ran to her. She had just had a shower and her hair was still wet. Igrabbed the letter off her. This is what it said:

Dear Harry and Hermione,

I am inviting you to Bill and Fleur's wedding. It will be on the twelvth of December but I am expecting you two to be here one week earlier. 

Thank you,

Mrs Weasley and Family

I nodded.

"Right, Cool, let's go!" I exclamied happily. "At least we will be able to make it up with Ron, won't we?"

"Yup!" Hermione said excitedly.


The next couple ofdays were noring, but then, weren't all the other days of my life too? I could tell Hermione was very excited. For the wedding. Tomorrow, we will be going, I couldn't wait!

"We'll have a great time! Won't we?" Hermione asked me again. I nodded. "Obviously, you idiot! It is Mrs Weasly's house and familly after ALL!" I asnwered.

The day was pretty boring, we were just getting ready. I had just sent a letter back by usingHedwig. This was the letter:

Mrs Weasly and family,

Hello, I am (and Hermione too of course) comming to the wedding. We should  be there by tomorrow. I am very excited and so is Hermione. ;)

See you there,

Harry potter 

It was written pretty messily but who cares?We were now packing our bags and getting ready for tomorrow.


We were outside the tent. We were going to apparate. I couldn't wait to get there!

I grabbed Hermione's hand and suddenly, I felt like I was squashed in a rubber tube. It felt horrible, but I got used to it by now.

Me and Hermione could finally see the Burrow. It was very big and was made out of wood. But I still like it.

Hermione knocked on the door ans suddenly, Mrs Weasly jumped out.

"Hello, oh dear! You two look so very sad and tired.2 Mrs Weasly said kindly. I nodded. We eneterd the hous. The house looked so very different. Literally.

Ginny was already here! How the hell did they get here so quick? I looked at her and grinned. She grinned back.

"You look like you're just about to starve to death!" Mrs Weasly exclaimed as usual. I nodded. She opened a box and got out some sandwhiches for us. Delicious! Mrs Weasly's food was always nice!

I ate four sandwhiches and Hermione only ate three. HAHAHAHA! Then, Mrs Weaslygave us some really nice icecreams.

Later on, after we had reseted, ate etc... Mrs Weasly came back to us. With Ron this time. Oh no!

"So I hear you two aren't talking to Ronny and you're not his friend either." she said slightly annoyingly.

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