Arriving in Paris

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We'd read in Dumbeldore's diary that Snaky had passes a long time in there (france). So who knows, maybe he hid one of his horcruxes on the the way. We were going there by...-

"Broomstick!" I called. I loved  using broomsticks. I mean, don't you? (obviously NOT!)

"No Harry, it's unsafe, we should go there by apparition." Hermione said. Ron nodded.

"Yep, the safest way!" Ron exclaimed happily, so in the end, we were all going to apparate. 

We all stood next to each other and we all told ourselves to apparate at the Eiffel Tower. Cool right? The horrible, uncomfortable feeling started again. But it ended quite soon.

The Eiffel Tower was very big and amazing, it was the first time I ever came here, considering the fact that i lived with Uncle Dursley and Aunt Petunia all my life, and they hadn't treated me like a little fluffy, sweet angel. It was now lighting up, it looked sooo awesome! 

"It's so amazing and beautiful, isn't it?" Hermione said happily, she looked happier than ever. She squeezed Ron's hand.

"Yeah, it really is!" I answered, feeling a little left out but not admitting it to any of them. 

It was the middle of winter, so obviously, it was cold. Really cold. Suddenly, it started snowing, I loved snow. 

"Oh no, crap, we didn't bring hats!" I said annoyingly, my hair was gonna get full of snow now. How annoying. Hermione turned around and fished her hand in her little beady bag. Of course! The bag! I suddenly started smiling, Hermione was just amazing, just genius, what would we do without her? I really wonder. She slowly got out three jeans, three wooly jumpers and three hats and three gloves. Wow, she is just wonderful! 

"Oh you're amazing Hermione, you really are!" I said, bouncing up and down with excitement. She grinned.

"Thanks!" she said happily. And so we walked to some weird public toilet and got changed there. It felt so comfotable and warm to be wearing these clothes I wanted to thanks Hermione all her life. I really did. I just realized that these toilets were luxurious, that's why I found them weid.  

When we got back outside, I felt extremely warm. I bent down and got some snow, made it into a small ball and threw it onto Ron's back. Ron turned around and threw a snow ball back at me. I threw one at Hermione while she was staring and perhaps day dreaming at the Eiffel Tower. She gasped and threw snow balls at my face with all her might. She was certainly stronger than I thought.  We had a cool and fun snow ball fight which lasted about an hour. 

After the snow ball fight,we really wet, soaked, in fact, and really cold again, so we went in a hotel and brought a ticket for three weeks? Luckily for us, Hermione had muggle money, once again, what would we do without her? 

"This room really is comfortable! In fact, so is the bed!" Ron eclaimed, he was lying down in his bed, he had really sank in it. He was wearing his stripy pigamas. I was watching TV, also in my pigamas and drinking hot-chocolate. how relaxing! while Hermione had stuck her nose in dumbledore's diary once more, to see where we would be heading to next.

Aaah...yes... I see you're wondering where we got that diary from (I'm a mind reader after all!). Well, at the beginning of our seventh year, in the Room of Requirement, we had found it and had started reading it. Simple as. 

"Aha! It says here 'Volde-"(Ron started his trantrum over not saying his full name agian)"mort semmed to like staying in the Eiffel twoer He found it extremely interesting and amazing.Note to self- there must be a horcrux hidden there.' Then we must go there!" Hermione yelled excitedly, I could understand her excitement at the sound of know where a horcrux may be hidden in, for months we had found no answers, and now, we finally found a little out about Snaky!  It's true, there might be a horcrux there, but what would it be? i thought. 

"Maybe the Eiffel Tower is the horcrux!" Ron said stupidly.

"Oh, of course not, don't be silly Ron!How would it be the whole of the Eiffel tower?" Hermiona asked sarcasticly. "But it says here, in Eiffelt Tower through the ages, that there is an artifact,a crown missing! It was very beautiful and had 35 diamonds and other precious gems on it! This must be it! It's the crown, it has to be, Snaky took it because he likes those kind of things!" Hermione explained.. I nodded. I punched my pillow to make it more confortable.

"Where do you reckon it is though?" I asked, she shrugged. I grabbed the book off her. 

"It says that Mrs Vanille had been the one who realized that it had gone. Maybe she knows where it is!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't know, harry, maybe she's died by now! Plus, where would we find her?" Hermione asked annoyingly. She didn't seem to happy with my thoughts. 

"It says she lives in Rue de Clochette, we might as well try it. Old people don't usually move houses, do they? " I said, getting more excited than ever...almost. Hermione shrugged.

"OK, fine." she said; she seemed a little satisfied. It was her final word.

*Maybe, just maybe, haven't you realized that I am here as well, and that you could ask for my opinion about this crown business!" Ron roared angrily. I looked at him blankly.

"We shouldn't ALWAYS have to ask for your opinion, Ron. you should just give it yourself." I yelled back at him. Oh no, I could sense another argument comming. "Don't you think, Hermione?" I added. She nodded silently. I changed the TV channel as I realized that this show was extremely boring.

"It's true, Ron. You shoud just give us your opinion without us having to ask you. It's getting-"

Sudddenly, hedwig flew in the room from the open window with a letter in its paw.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2012 ⏰

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