Mr Nelson

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I got up early and put on my lavender ruffle skirt and purple silk blouse and ankle boot heels, with my necklace that I had ever since I was a child It was a heart necklace, I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone and bag and went downstairs.

“Dad I have to stay after School so can you pick me up at 4:00,” I said

“Alright sure,” He said

My dad drove me to School and told me even if they do something don't react with just walk away he said that if they find out that I'm a immortal they'll enslave me and kill me he said that's what they did to a lot of immortals .

I walked into School and opened my locker and put my stuff in my locker then I got a notification I got out my phone and Savina texted me.

S🍉= Savina      Ven👊💋= Venika

S🍉: Girl we have a new teacher today Mr Grayson retired because he got a better job in new Orleans.

Ven👊💋: That sucks I'll be in class in a minute.

S🍉: Alright he cute too lol😁😁.

I walked to class and sat down our teacher last name was Nelson I looked next to me Eric was looking at me he winked I laughed loudly then covered my mouth Mr Nelson looked at me and he seemed familiar I looked at him “Ms Clarkson is there something funny,” He asked boy was his voice cute I looked at Savina she bit her lip I looked at Eric he shook his head I looked at the teacher “Um My last name isn't Clarkson it's Ford,” I said his facial expression changed “Oh I have heard of a few Fords before but that was way before your time but what seem to be so funny,” He asked I licked my lips.

“Well Mr Nelson if you must know I have detention and I made a Joke about this one girl who thought she could be me up so yeah that's what I was laughing about ,” I said playing with my pencil he laughed and started handing out papers when he passed me my paper it had upside down words on it I flipped it up side down.

'I know who your Mother and Father are and if you want to know who they are meet me at the Susannah Café at 8:16 PM,'

I hurried and turned it over and did my work, the bell rung I yawned and walked out Eric stopped me before I could walk out the door I looked at him “Is there a reason your touching me," I said he quickly took his hand away “Okay since you want to be mean, I was gonna ask if your coming to the Rave that the richest women in Australia is throwing in four weeks,” He said I smiled and whispered “I'll be there don't worry,” I whispered before cat walking away.

I stayed after School for swimming I put on my red bikini and walked to the swimming area were the team was.

“Hey nice bikini for practice,”Coach said sarcastic

“Sorry I didn't have a One piece,” I said

“Don't worry tomorrow you'll have one,” She said

“Now were gonna do warm ups so start stretching out girls,” She said

I stretched out and we lined up and two lines and we started racing each other I was lined up with this girl who seemed nervous I looked at her and her hands were shaking.

“Hey you okay,” I asked

She looked at me “No,” She said I looked in front of me and it was almost my turn “What's your name,” I asked “Haley,” She said I nodded “Well my name is Venika and tell you what when you get in that water just hold your breath and relax and enjoy yourself K it helps all the time,” I said she nodded and took a deep breath and it was our turn I put on my goggles, I took a deep breath and jumped in and started swimming fast but not to fast I reached the end of the swimming pool I got up on the surface Haley was finished a minute after I was and the whole practice we kept doing it over and over until it was 3:35 we all took a shower and put on our clothes and headed out.

The Dark Angel (Book 3# Of Venus And The King Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz