Arguments and Fights

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Venika POV

Me and the girls all slept in my room I was on my tablet since there wasn't no School today I wasn't over the fact that she choked me well I did punch her I just text Victor and ate breakfast downstairs I notice my dad come in .

“Hey Dad,” I said

He looked at me “Not now Ven,” He said then walked upstairs well that was a bummer I just shook my head and ate breakfast and watched TV.

Venus POV

I was sleeping/Awake my head was hurting badly I kept it dark in the room I was still hanging off the bed the door slammed shut I winced and knew it was Demetrius, I shifted in my covers.

“You got drunk last night didn't you,” He growled

“Yes I did,” I grumbled tiredly

“Venus get up I need to talk to you,” He said calmly

“You need or you want cause what I need is sleep,” I grumbled

“Venus this important so get up,” He said

“No important means good luck but I am not in that mood,” I said

“I slept with Alex over the summer it was only one time,” He said out of nowhere before getting up and leaving I felt my heart split in half I sat up slowly I felt my lungs drop like I couldn't breath my eye's turned I put on my black lace bra, black see threw silk shirt, and black slacks with ankle boot heels I curled my hair and wiped my eyes I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

Everyone was happy laughing and stuff I just grabbed my key's “Goodmorning, mom You want Pancakes,” Raven said I stopped and looked at her and put on a fake smile “Yeah sure,” I said walking over there once I past Demetrius my smile faded I sat down Japserretta sat next to me “Hey Grandma V so I was wondering if we can go you know,” She said I looked at her and smiled sadly “Not to Day Jade I'm not feeling well,” I said drinking Orange juice “Mom you always feel good unless you got drunk,” She said eating a strawberry “Or maybe she doesn't feel well because her hips hurt,” Alex said they laughed I closed my eyes and dropped my fork and got up and grabbed my keys and went to the garage and hopped in my Lamborghini and speeded off to the Café.

I sat down and put on my shades and my hair turned white tears dropped under my glasses the waiter came towards me “What would you like Ma'am,” He said I put my phone down “A Caramel sunday and salad please,” I said he nodded and left I just wanted to be alone, how could he do this to me I thought I was his Luna I don't want to be in another relationship where I get cheated on all the time I don't want that I wanna get married again, I wanna be in love, I wanna be with someone who cares about me, I don't want to leave Demetrius and I love him I don't want to be with him if he wants to have sex with other girls .

The waiter gave my stuff I took a sip and ate my salad I sat there staring out the window wondering where did I go wrong was it because I left, of course, my hands were shaking my heart was literally falling apart I closed my eye's and let tears fall my phone started ringing I looked down and it was Demetrius I just let it ring and ate my ice cream the waiter came up to me but a different one this time it was Eric .

“Uh hi Miss Ford uh would you like anything else,” He asked

I looked at him and smiled sadly “Yes please another salad and a cold martini,” I said

He nodded and left I looked at the sky and it reminded me of when I was a little girl me and my sister Nichole went to the beach we had so much fun that day it was like a dream come true I miss my sister I let tears flow down my cheek.

The Dark Angel (Book 3# Of Venus And The King Series)Where stories live. Discover now