Make Me Happy

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Michael POV

Next Day Aaliyah got released, we were at her house, she was watching TV I was getting dressed for dinner tonight with my family.

Once I was done getting dressed I walked downstairs I walked next to Aaliyah and kissed her cheek she smiled and kissed me back, her lips felt like rose petals.

“You gonna go get dressed,”I asked she smiled “Yup you look cute Mikey,”She said I laughed and kissed her she got up, She's More then a Women to me she's a Goddess and my rock, I sat down and waited for her.

She came down with her straight hair, A long red cocktail dress, a red , red high heels, and red glasses she looked beautiful actually more then beautiful, I got up and turned off the TV and led her to the car and drove to my parents house.

Aaliyah POV

We pulled up to this big house, he opened the door for me I almost fell but he caught me “Your a terrible driver you almost killed us,”I said he chuckled so cute we walked up top of the stairs and ringed the door bell.

Ms Katherine opened the door she smiled and hugged us both “Hi Ms Katherine,”I said she smiled and welcomed us in “You made it, I'm so glad you two could come,”She said, we walked in the living room where everyone was Janet hugged me “Hey Janet long time no see,”I said she laughed “Hi Aaliyah welcome back,”She said I smiled Rebbie, La'Toya , Jackie, Tito, Marlon, Jermaine, and Randy they all Hugged me, we went to go sit down for dinner we said our blessings then started eating.

“So Aaliyah How's singing going out for you sweety,”Katherine asked

“It's great Ms Katherine I have a lot of things that I have to do this year,”I said eating “I loved your new song Aaliyah it was hot,”Marlon said I laughed “Thank you,”I giggled “So Michael are you still with that girl Tatiana,”Katherine said I just kept eating so he was already with someone and he didn't tell me see exactly why I shouldn't have had sex with him ugghh, “Yes and No,”He said lowly, Did he, just say Yes I felt like I just got the wind knocked out of me I just ate until I was finished a every one was talking I was just eating “Aaliyah so do you want to hang out next week,”Janet asked I smiled faintly “Yup sounds good to me Janet,”I said .

We said goodbye “So where you wanna go next Liyah,”Michael said I looked down and blinked “ I don't want to go anywhere but home,”I said getting in the car madly Michael got in the car “Aaliyah me and Tatiana are not together,”He said started the engine I looked at him madly “I didn't ask if you were,”I said rudely he drove off badly.

When we arrived I got out the car madly and stormed to my house “Liyah, Liyah,” He said I stormed into the house and slammed the door and stormed to the kitchen I was thirsty “Aaliyah why are you mad,”He said I looked at him “Tell me your not lying,”I said sipping on my juice he looked at me and smiled and made a funny face I glared he made this really funny face I held my laugh and drunk my juice but then he made A flamingo dance I spit out my juice “Asshole,”I choked and coughed and wiped my lips and and cleaned up the juice he laughed and I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.

I took a shower and changed into my nightgown and walked downstairs “Bye Michael,”I said getting me Ice cream he kissed my cheek “Goodnight Liyah I'll take you over my house Tomorrow alright,”He said softly I smiled and kissed him “Bye can wait,”I said he left I groaned and went upstairs and watched TV and Michael was on the TV it was yesterday night.

Yesterday Night Michael Jackson and Tatiana his wife so cute together he even gave her a kiss on the cheek so cute, Today three man were shot at the Gas Station for stealing cigarettas and back to you Steve.

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