Two AM

12 0 0

if I could just hold you I'd be alright

because what's going on right now is torture.

How can you sit there with that grin on your face

while the fumes of my melting heart dispearse.

You're like a dream I cannot attain 

and I'll always be chasing because let's face it.

I am so into you

But so what, what's the issue?

That my love and passion os driven into you like tailgating a game.

My love for you is like a lack of sleep

cuz you're alway on my mind, you know.\

You mean everything to me, like and addict loves their drug

and baby you get me so high it's like I'm in heaven

And yeah, it's two in the morning but so what?

That doesn't my feelings any less real, because it's you.

It's always been you.

The Mind of EmbersWhere stories live. Discover now