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Madaleine's pov:
I wake up, I'm still blind folded and my head is pounding, also I'm still handcuffed. I'm siting in a chair my legs are tied to it. I then feel someone walk right next to me someone begins to breathe on my neck I flinch and begin to breathe hard. The person laughs, it was Brendon. He then unblind folded me I opened my eyes I was in a giant ball room with other vampires. They were all dancing, I look next to me and there a four other people sitting next to me, with bags on their heads.Brendon then grabs one of them and I turn my head he looks at me and my says,

"Don't worry you'll see him soon."

I just sat there and wondered who it was it was probably Pete I wasn't for sure though. I continued to sit there and watch people dance. I watched William and Brendon flirt with other girls and start kissing them it was making me want to throw up the whole time. I then saw a man walk in, in an all black tux with is bangs combed back instead of in front of this face. I then realized who it was...it was Pete! They then revealed the strangers that were sitting next to me, as I figured it was Patrick, Joe, and Andy. They all looked at me and said,

"MADALEINE! Where are we?"

"We are at the dandies mansion. And I have no idea why we are here."

"What happened to your face Madaleine?" Patrick said.

I then realized my head was bleeding from earlier when they knocked me out.

"Oh, um, actually I don't really remember probably from when William beat me up."

"We are going to get you out of here." Patrick said,"we're all going to get out of here."

As soon as I finished talking to Patrick, Pete came up right I front of me and said,

"Madaleine, may I please have this dance with you?"

I sat there with my jaw dropped so did the rest of the Gang because he has never talked like that in his life. It was so odd to me that he did that.

"Well I can't really because I'm all tied up here."

"If I untie you, will you dance with me. William insists."


He went around me and untied me I was kinda scared being the only human in a house full of vampires. I was scared like to William take over pete's mind? I didn't want to die I wanted to escape I was sick of being here. Then Pete went around me and grabbed my hand and we went to go dance. He had one hand on my waist and one hand in my other hand. He then pulled me in closer and looked me in the eyes. I looked down being absolutely terrified the whole time that I was going to die. He then came close to my neck and I began to breathe heavier and faster. He must have read my thoughts and could feel how tense I was because the next thing he said was,

"Calm down, take deep breaths it will be okay. And I'm not going to kill you, and your not dying. We are going to try to get out of here soon."

I then calmed down and looked at him in the eyes he was smiling at me. He then noticed I had a cut on my forehead and he got angry.

"Pete calm down save your energy just keep doing this act that me and you have going on."

He calmed down then said to me,

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you."

We then finished dancing I curtsied and he bowed and we linked arms and he walked me back to his seat and I sat next to him. He then whispered to me,

"Come with me, I want to show you something."

William and Brendon watched us leave the ball room he had a smile on his face and he winked at Pete and Pete winked back and smirked. I then got scared but tried not to show it because I didn't want Pete to know I was terrified this whole time. I knew something was up but I didn't know what it was, but I was going to find out soon enough. He took me into a room he shut the lights off so it was pitch black. He stepped away from me I began to panic. He was then behind me I felt him breathe on my neck. I flinched he then smiled and began to kiss my neck I relaxed a little bit. He then turned me around to face him and we made out . He then pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me and we continued to make out. He kissed me on my neck all the way down my body I moaned he smirked. He then stopped and said,

"I'm sorry but I have to do this."

"You have to do what?"

He then pushed me back down on the bed and held me there. He flashed his fangs, I said,

"Pete what are you doing? Please don't you don't have to. Please stop! Pete! Pete stop!"

He then came closer to my neck kissed it a few times then he sunk his fangs in my neck I screamed for him to stop. He then eventually did, I felt like I had no more life in me. I could barely stand up. I held my neck while it was dropping out blood. He then said,

"Here drink some of this."
As he bit unit his wrist and put it against my mouth I drank it. I then could feel my neck begin to heal. I was so mad at him but I didn't have the strength to punch him. He helped me stand up and get off the bed. He looked at me and apologized. And said,

"I had to earn his trust."

I then understood why he did it but I was still angry. He carried me out of the room I felt so sick I felt like I was going pass out. I began to fall forward Pete caught me and said,

"Are you okay?"

"No I feel so weak from my surgery being less than 2 weeks ago and being almost drained of my blood, so no I'm not okay."

"Come here sit down right here."

He looked at my neck it still hasn't healed all the way. He bit his wrist and said,

"Come on you have to drink more for it to heal faster or else you will die and become a vampire."

I then grabbed his wrist and drank it, I began to feel a whole lot better and my neck healed almost all the way to. I was still weak but not as bad as I was before. We then both walked back into the ball room. He had his arm around me so I could stand, and we walked back in there together. William looked at him with approval, we then sat down he still kept holding me up. He said,

"I'm so sorry Madaleine I never wanted this for you but i promise we will escape soon."

"You promise?"

"Yes. I love you."

"I love you too."

We then kissed and then he walked me back to a room that me and him were supposed to stay in together. Patrick, Joe, and Andy all went back to jail. Pete unzipped my dress for me and I changed my clothes into a t-shirt and shorts. He took off his suit and slept in shorts and no shirt. We then both got in bed, he kissed me on the forehead and wrapped his arms around me and said,
"I love you Madaleine, I promise we will get out of here, and I promise I will keep you safe."
We then both fell asleep.

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