Chapter 25

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AN: Updated 12/25/20

The heat of the day was starting to arrive as Ace brushed her way through the forest.

It wasn't as bad as yesterday and the mostly shaded area helped make Ace content as she went around endless trees and fallen branches. The side effects of her medicine also hadn't seemed to have kicked in yet, so Ace was doing fine and enjoying her solitude in the woods. It was just like any day, except for the weapon she gripped in her hand and the constant look out for Sophia and walkers.

She felt much more content and capable now that she had time to go out on her own, especially knowing Daryl was near to have her back if things went wrong. She felt she did better on her own and she really needed the time to think, being around the group had its way of wearing on her. A little peace and quiet was needed.

Ace thought about the quiet and looked to her left through many trees to see if she could spot Daryl across the river bed. It was a very pretty piece of land, the forest not too thick nor too open. In between there was a small, open area where a river resided down below. It was a steep drop.

She could see the soft brown color of the horse weaving between trees far past the rocks as it went towards the same direction as her. They planned to scour the area and meet in the middle. So far Ace wasn't having any luck. It didn't seem he was either.

She took her attention back away from him to watch in front of her as she moved, looking for tracks, her ears perking up at any sound of a bird or small animal running around. She had spotted many squirrels and figured Daryl was probably having a field day with that over on his side.

She was just waiting to hear a crack of a twig or maybe even her name called that would let her know Sophia is out here. That's all she wanted to hear.

She did hear Daryl's whistle echo from across the quarry, getting her to snap her head over. Daryl had come far enough out of the trees that she could almost make him out completely, allowing her to see him signal with his hand and then point downwards.

Ace followed is finger with her eyes and had to search around to see what he wanted her to. There didn't seem to be anything until Ace spotted the small pink doll laying in the mud next to a fallen tree branch down near the water.

It was Sophia's doll.

Ace started quickly making her way over, still keeping her eyes peeled, but more focused on getting over to Daryl as he slid down off of his horse. The side of the quarry he was on had more of an opening for him to go down to retrieve the doll, so by the time Ace got over there he was climbing back up the hill and shaking the mud off it.

"This is hers," he said, holding it up before tucking it under his belt.

"Did you see any tracks?" Ace asked as he went back over to the horse.

"Nah, you?"

Ace shook her head, meeting Daryl's bright eyes for a moment as he scratched the top of his head. "Lets head up higher, call for her or somethin'," Daryl signaled in front of them, up to the top of the ridge. Ace nodded and started ahead as Daryl climbed back onto the horse, grunting and letting out a huff as he finally got settled.

Ace walked closer to the edge of the woods leading down to the quarry, sneaking around trees and branches to try and look for any other sign of Sophia out here. Daryl couldn't fit this close with the horse so he looked around further in the woods and over the lake. They covered a lot of land together.

Ace's attention was drawn over when the horse let out a huff of nerves as a few birds flying by spooked it. She watched as Daryl held up the straps on the saddle and made a few more kissy noises. "Easy, easy," he called to it, letting it circle around as he looked at his surroundings. Both of them felt like there was something near.

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