chapter 10

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AN: Updated 12/23/20

"You sure this is the spot?" Daryl asked, crouching down to look under the bank Rick had said he left Sophia at. Ace was still trying to grasp all of this in her head.

"I told her to stay right here," Rick pointed, the water splashing under his feet as he did. "Ace went after the two walkers from the highway while I went to get Sophia.. More came and I had to take the walkers in that direction, up the creek," Rick was pointing as he talked. This really was not Ace's fault at all, but that's not what she thought. Some how, some way, there was more Ace could have done, and she failed. "She was gone by the time I got back here. I figured she took off and ran back to the group.. I told her; go that way and keep the sun on her left shoulder," Rick pointed to where Ace and Shane were standing, Daryl following his fingers.

They were up on top of the creek bed so it was a giant step up for Daryl to get up there, Ace holding her hand out to help. Daryl just looked at it for a moment, but huffed as he took it, allowing her to help him up. Ace was going to do the same thing for Rick, but Shane beat her to it. "Assuming she knows her left from her right.." Shane said down to him.

"Shane, she understood me fine," Rick stated, breathing hard.

Shane was saying something back, but Ace ignored it. Instead, she followed behind Daryl quietly, watching as he searched the ground for tracks. "Got clear prints right here.. She did what you said, headed back to the highway," Daryl stated, turning around to tell them, surprised to see Ace standing behind him. He hadn't heard her footsteps at all. "Let's spread out," Daryl tried to ignore it and made a signal with his hand, starting to lead the small group again.

Ace wasn't as good of a tracker as Daryl, but she had gone hunting with her foster dad a few times. Although against her will, he still taught her some things. She applied them as best as she could while following being Daryl. He was crouched down, studying the ground like it was the most intricate piece of art that held clues to the mystery they were trying to solve. Ace realized he was real good at tracking, his footsteps light and his skills heavy.

It was discovered that Sophia had been doing just fine, her trails heading right back up to the highway until one spot where she randomly just veered off to the right. Ace didn't know why she'd do that, no other tracks were found, which meant no one spooked her. But Ace did know she was a child, running around scared, so it's hard to expect she knew exactly where or what she was doing.

"It'll be best if you, Ace, and Glenn head back up to the highway before people start panicking," Rick started to Shane, but Ace was not happy with hearing her name. There is no way she's gonna stop searching for Sophia.

"Na," Daryl stood up, cutting Rick off for a moment. "She stays. Got the quietest footsteps."

Ace met eyes with Daryl and gave him a thankful nod which he returned quickly. She appreciated him getting her to stay. Maybe he knew she wasn't gonna walk away without a fight.

"Okay," Rick agreed. "Let them know we're on her trail, but most importantly, keep everybody calm."

Shane and Glenn agreed, saying they would dig up some chores to keep people busy, then they left, heading back in the direction that Sophia should have gone, leaving Rick, Daryl, and Ace there. "You know how to track?" Daryl barely looked much at Ace as he asked her, walking forward again. Normally he didn't like to, but he could double task while tracking and still do a damn good job.

"Sort of," Ace mumbled, following after him with Rick. Ace didn't dare crouch down like Daryl right now, she only would if it's completely necessary because that will be a bitch on her already aching back. "You know what you're lookin' for?" Daryl asked.

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