Chapter 35

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Maybe it was the sadness in my heart that made me feel the urge to kiss him, or maybe it was just something I felt like trying. I don't have not one clue, but I wanted to so bad.

I raised a hand to his cheek, feeling the slightly scruff on his face. I ran my finger down his cheek and along the harsh curve of his jawline.

"Ella..." Harry whispered, hot breath rolling across my face.

"What Harry..." my voice was hesitant, we were so close. So close I could feel his breath every time he exhaled.

"Do you want to kiss me?" He asked, licking his bottom lip.

I didn't know the answer. I was torn between wanting to feel the warmth of his soft lips against mine, and knowing I shouldn't kiss my boyfriends, ex boyfriends, best friend.


"Ella can you please tell Niall to quit calling m- OH." My mom walked in the bedroom, holding a phone in her hand. The obvious look of shock was spread harshly across her face, "Niall, Ella will call you when she can. Please be patient."

When she walked in Harry and I jumped so far apart he almost fell off the bed. My face was a bright red and my mouth grew dry. My mother turned on her heels, leaving my room. Silence filled the atmosphere.

"I'm so sorry." Harry stood up, pushing a hand through his hair, "I was wrong to try to make a move on you."

"No, it's fine. It's okay." I kept telling myself that. That it's okay. But is it? Things are falling apart right before my eyes. And I don't know how to feel about any of it.

"Shit, but I really did want to kiss you," his eyes widened and he looked down, "Wait, what, I don't know I'm so sorry."

"You did?" I asked, sitting back down on my bed.

"Well, I don't know..." He trailed off.

"Why didn't you?" My mouth just wouldn't stop.

"Why didn't I? Well, I don't know... Did you want me to?" He looked up at me, questionable eyes peering into my confused ones.

"I did." There it was. The truth was out. I wanted my ex boyfriends best friend to kiss me. I wanted him to grab me and smash his lips against mine and help me forget all about this stupid mess going on in my head right now.

It was then that I saw Harry walk towards me, pull me up by my arms and making me stand on my feet. He grasped the small of my back in one hand and the back of my neck in the other and he said one last thing, "Forgive me if this ruins anything.", before pressing his lips against mine.

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