Chapter 17

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My eyes slowly begin to open. I yawn and stretch in bed. It's extremely hot for some reason. I try to move my arm but I can't. I turn to see Niall laying on too of it. His mouth is parted slightly, soft snores escaping his lips. He's turned on his side, having one arm wrapped around me.

I smile at his peaceful state. His eyebrows crinkle together and he moans. I watch as he mumbles under his breath. I hold my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing and waking him. His grip on my sides tightens. I feel him pull me closer. He buries his face into my side and sighs.

"Hi." I hear him say into my waist. His voice is very raspy and sleepy. His Irish accent very thick.

"Hi." I say back to him and chuckle. His hair is sticking up in the back and his quiff is laid across his forehead.

"What are you laughing at?" he asks and sits up straight. He runs his fingers through his hair. He yawns and scratches his neck.

"Your hair." I point out and smile.

"What about it? is it bad?" He asks with wide eyes. He ruffles his hair and runs his fingers through it again.

"No. It's... cute." I say in a low whisper. When the words fall I automatically regret them. I turn bright red and look down at the sheets.

"Cute?" He giggles and gets out of bed. He walks to his shirt. He picks it off the ground and puts it on. It's then when I realize he has no pants on.

"Where are your pants?" I ask and point to his pale legs. He looks down and then laughs. He walks up to me and pulls the sheets off of me.

"Where are yours?" he points to my half naked bottom half. I turn red and grab the sheets to cover myself again.

"Asshole." I roll my eyes and tighten my grip on the bed sheets. I hear him laugh as he walks to the other side of the bed to put on his pants.

"Can you like... get me some underwear and pants out of that closet over there?" I point to the wooden closet door. He nods and laces up his shoes. He walks toward the closet and opens it up. He takes in a deep breath and slowly picks through the jeans. I only have 4... it's not that hard to find some. He finally grabs a pair of jeans off of a hanger and 'oohhs' at the stack of underwear.

"Niall their just underwear." I roll my eyes and laugh under my breath.

"Sexy underwear. I'm getting a boner just imaging you in th... in THESE!" He pulls out the thong I wear with dresses and yoga pants. He holds them from side to side with both index fingers.

"Niall give me my underwear." I push my hands on my hips and roll my eyes. He flings the sexy underwear towards me. I shake my head. What ever, I'm not putting up a fight. I slip the underwear on under the sheets and get up. Niall eyes me as i grab the jeans out of his hands.

"Jesus." He rubs his forehead and sighs. Once i put the jeans on, theres a knock at the door. Must be Camary. I walk away from Niall trying to pinch my ass  and stand in front of the door. When i open it I'm shocked.

There. Outside of my door. Is Josh. He holds a bouquet of roses and one of my old favorite brands of chocolate. I stand there shocked, not sure what to say.

"Josh." I manage to say. He smiles and hands me the items. "Thought I'd stop by. Say hi." He shrugs and steps forward. "Can i come in?" He pushes the door but i stop him.

"That's not a good idea." I look around for Niall. He's standing almost directly behind me, making me jump. Niall stands beside me and stares at Josh.

"Who's this?" Niall scoffs. "Why'd he bring you those?" He points to the gift Josh bought me. I shake my head and walk to the living room to set the things down. Niall stays put, watching every move Josh makes. I walk back and cough awkwardly.

"It's not a good idea Josh." I say again and run my hands through my hair.

"Why?" He asks sadly. Before i can answer Niall speaks.

"Because I'm her boyfriend." Niall wraps his arm around my waist and gives Josh a fake smile.

"Really? Your boyfriend?" Josh chokes on his words. He seems... hurt?

"Uhm. Why does it matter?" I ask and shrug my shoulders.

"How could you get over me so quickly?" Tears form in the corners of his eyes. Okay, this guy is officially crazy. I slightly laugh but stop because of how rude i must seem.

"Josh you do realize that was about 3 years ago? And i put a restraining order on you. I won't hesitate to get another one." I warn. He coughs and wipes his eyes.

"Sorry. I'll leave." He turns on his heels and begins to walk down the steps leading to the parking lot. "I'll be back." Is what i THINK he mumbles. I don't know for sure but that's what it sounded like to me.

"Who was that?" Niall asks sternly and closes the door.

"Calm down. He was my last boyfriend. He was crazy and he tried to like... kill me. Then he cheated on me." I sigh and sit on the couch criss cross.

"Well i dont like him. Stay away from him, okay?" He runs his fingers through his hair and rolls his eyes.

"You aren't my dad." I grown.

"So? I just don't want you around hin and that's final." he stands and walks to the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow." He leaves with that.

Niall has no right to tell me who i can and can't be around. Of course i don't want to be around Josh, but that's none of his business. I'm 18 years old and can make my own decisions without Nialls input or help


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