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Oh hello There so this just a note to you guys and here are some information
About the book so let's first start with me so this is my first book I made and
I be happy to write and maybe someday I will be a writer or maybe a YouTuber
Someday to show my lovely arts because I am good at drawing also but I need to have a little more skills to do so and I haven't even watch the rest of the episodes
In fairy tail some I will watch them if I have no school and yes I also have...
And to be honest I still need to think what day my book will update maybe when I don't have any shcool yet.So that's done with me. Now let me explain on what's
Going on here so lisanna is actually nice but after the island she changed towards
Lucy so lisanna is not evil here or jealous of Lucy and she just change here that's all.
And Lucy only have a few nakamas left and which I am not going to say who they
Because you will find out while reading  this book. So it will be a surprise and she
Have a second life to live and I can't tell you that either and also what I mean "she will
Find herself " you will find out also.and yeah that's all it for now and Goodbye😃

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