The fight

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The campers and the kids ran into a hiding spot. when the gods fight it's war.

Aphrodite hide with them she didn't want her hair messed up. hades wanted to be with ally. he really like her. she was sweet and for a grandchild of hades and Aphrodite she wasn't stuck up or too depressed she was innocent and unbroken he adored the little child.

Mars zeus Chiron and diynous Were struggling to stop Athena and posiden.

Hespestus vanished. Leo wasn't suprised. his dad could do amazing things but socializing was he's worst thing, the fight ended when Zeus struck lightening and frighten the kids the kids scream and started crying. the gods snapped out of the fight to comfort the kids.

The demigods agreed never to invite more than god to see the kids at the same time ever again.

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