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Thalia didn't want a kid. In fact she couldnt have one. Artemis forbid it. But thalia had a son, Luke. She loved him. But she had to give him away. Percy and annabeth adopted him.

If it had been a daughter maybe Artemis would have.. No she's against all that.

Luke is 2.

Silena is 5

Charlie is 5

Silena love holding baby Luke. Charlie was iffy about him, that was expected. Charlie didn't like anybody coming near his family.

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Ally tugged on her moms sweater.

"Mommy." Piper ignored her daughter too involved with the conversation she was having.

"Mommy!! Mommy!" Ally finally gave up and left.

Nico followed his daughter. Ally went to were tommy was. Tommy was in a fight with Colin. Ally scream at tommy to stop. Colin just kept fighting. Emily was going to jump into the fight but Charlie grabbed her. Charlie hated fighting. Silena watched eyes wide with horror. Baby Luke was sound asleep in his bed.

Nico went to break the fight but ended up getting shocked by tommy. Tommy hit the ground and electrocuted Emily, ally , nico, and himself. Nicos hair stood up. Ally was on the ground she was covered in dirt. Emily pulled ally up screaming at ally for crying. Nico grabbed his daughter and comforted her. She was in tears. Ally was very sensitive. Nico held his daughter tightly. Ally wouldn't calm down. Emily grabbed tommy by the ear and dragged him of Colin. Colin cried out in pain. Nico picked him up and let ally walk. Ally still crying followed her dad worriedly. Piper and hazel calm running. Annabeth was nowhere to be found. Jason and Leo were missing too. Reyna made her son go find his father, Colin was brought to the Apollo medical cabin.

Colin was barely breathing. Tommy had shocked Colin into a coma. Chiron found leo and Jason. Jason had to take Reyna and Tommy to camp Jupiter. Leo was furious. It took percy annabeth and calypso to restrain him from killing to blonde son of Jupiter.

Hazel and frank took their daughter to camp Jupiter took. They wanted away from the sight of there friend who was loosing his mind.

Percy made Charlie and silena stay in the cabin with Luke and annabeth. He helped drag ally away from her dying friend. Nico was shaking. He was having a ghost issue. Piper sat next to him trying to get her nico back.

Calypso sat next to her son wiping away tears from her face. Leo wasn't allowed to see his son. After a few hours Colin was in stable condition. No body but his parents could visit.

Leo was a mess. He couldn't bare to loose his only kid.

Ally started having problems. She would zone out and be lost from the world. She would fade like she was shadowtraveling. It got worse and worse.

Colin woke up from his coma. He had a broken arm and a black eye. It had been 3weeks. Leo literally held his son every second of the day. Calsypo was less clingy to her baby.

Colin was allowed to see ally. Within the day of them playing ally stopped having problems.

Nicos problems stop right after ally's did. It was trigger by emotions. Nico was worrying of his family ally over her friend.

Piper could tell Colin and ally would be a couple.

Charlie and silena started school. Luke was the baby of the house. Percy didn't have a job. Annabeth did. She was a teacher. Percy worked as a swim teacher for a weekend but was fired after he flooded the changing rooms.

Jason and Reyna prefer to stay at camp Jupiter. Tommy become a warrior.

Emily zhang and her mother played with jewelry and bows. Emily was a fighter but she liked being a girly girl. Frank even let his daughter dress him up. This caused leo to laugh for days percy only stop laughing when annabeth yelled at him.

It had been 10 years since Luke was given to Percy and annabeth. Ten years and Artemis found out.

A small figure showed up at camp dragging a crying daughter of Zeus.

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