Getting Bit

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~Y/N Pov~

I'm still running from the wolves, until the leg that got bit from a shark gave out, making me fall. I groan, trying to get up to run away from the wolves. Before I get up, I feel a wolf bite me, making me scream in pain. I quickly punch the wolf (Wow, Reader. You That Strong?!). The wolf whimpers, letting go of my arm. I get up, running again.

I soon see a small hole, so I go to it, climbing into it. I hear the wolves growl as I crawl through the small hole. I see light at the other side, so I crawl faster. Soon, I make it out of the cave from the hole. I smile, then quickly look at my arm. I see blood going down it, making me groan. "Now I have two injuries..." I mumble to my self.

~To Be Continued~


Sorry about the short chapter! More on the way soon!!! :D

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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