+ cable

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"What are you doing?" Jaehyun asked her in shock.

"Taking a picture of your face - duh!" Mia replied and check the polaroid that can out. "Oh my god, so pathetic. I've never seen anyone so lost before," Mia said with a faint laugh.

"Yeah, whatever," Jaehyun said and opened up his bag to take out his power bank.

He first took out the cable and then began to actually search for his power bank. When he found it, he looked back at the table to find his cable disappeared. He looked around for a while and saw Mia near the door.

She was happily holding his cable and showed it to him in a teasing way. Jaehyun sighs a little before taking his phone and power bank and walked towards Mia.

"Why are you being so childish?" Jaehyun scolded her a little. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Mia asked him back. "You're more upset with your phone running out of battery than me being upset."

"Well, it's because I was in the middle of something important," Jaehyun defended himself.

Mia rolled her eyes before speaking: "With what? Checking how many Instagram likes you got for the picture of your coffee?"

"Can I just have my cable back please?" Jaehyun asked with a sigh.

Mia then sigh and gave in. "Fine," she said and gave the cable to him.

But, before he could take it, Mia took it away. "Only with one condition."

"What?" Jaehyun asked.

"I'm driving," Mia said and showed Jaehyun's car keys before leaving the coffee shop quickly.

"Wait, isn't that my- When did you-" Jaehyun then looked back at his table and quickly ran towards his table to grab his bag. 

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