Star City

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I was in my campaign office, trying to write my speech for next week, when I got a text from Kara.

9:15 am
Kara: Catco being held hostage. 3 gunmen, 13th floor.

I immediately run to the elevator to get my suit and gear while texting back.

9:15 am
Oliver: OMW. (On my way)

I get down there just as Alex yells "Hey Oliver..." Probably turning around to find that I'm not there.

"Felicity, Kara just texted me that Catco's being held hostage by gunmen, can you call Barry? He knows Metropolis better than I do." Considering he's run around the country a few times and visited Kara once there.

As soon as Felicity puts the phone down, Barry shows up.

"Nice timing." Felicity acknowledged.

"Damnit I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Diggle says.

"What do you guys need me for?" He asked. He was already dressed in his suit so that no more of his clothes would be set on fire.

"There's a hostage situation at Catco."

"How could you possibly know that?" Barry asked.

"He's right." Felicity said. "I just pulled up security footage from the 13th floor, there are three men dressed in all black, they all have guns.

"Wait, zoom in." Barry said.

As Felicity zoomed in on Kara, we saw that she hid her phone and slid a note to Winn.

"I don't get it? Why doesn't she take charge? " Barry asked.

"Because then everyone will know her secret, and Cat will probably publish it for the whole world to see" I said.

"We need to go help them." Barry said.

"All of this still doesn't answer the question, 'how did you know'?" Diggle asked.
I shrugged. "Kara texted me." I answered.

"When we're done, you have to give me her number." Barry said.

As I reached for my bike, Barry picked me up and ran all the way to Metropolis.

When we got there, I started taking down bad guys while Barry got everyone out and onto the street. After he got about half of the people out, he took Kara and Winn.

As soon as we got there, I started getting to work on making sure that everyone got out safely. After about half of them were out, I grabbed Kara and Winn. When I put them down, Kara looked at me like I was familiar. She didn't know who I was under that mask, and I wasn't prepared to tell her yet. I saw Alex running to her. I smiled and got the rest of the hostages out, including Miss Grant. When all of the gunmen were unconscious, I took Ollie and we sped back to Star City.

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