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After the cops let everyone back in the building, Winn, James and I rushed to our office where we did all of our secret superhero-ing. Winn was trying to find out who our masked man in red is.

"Any luck?" I asked. I was currently pacing back and forth, probably wearing a hole in the floor with my super strength. It tends to get a little out of control when I get anxious.

"If I had any luck, we would have found him by now." Winn replied hastily. " if someone can move that fast, it's almost impossible to track them."

"Kara calm down. We'll find him." James said reassuringly.

"James, we've been searching for anything that's even remotely related to this-this..." I paused trying to come up with the right word. "...speedster."

"Speedster?" James asked.

"He's fast, so I'm calling him a speedster." I retorted. I was starting to get annoyed with everyone.

"Wait, I think I got something!" Winn exclaimed excitedly. I rushed over to the computer and looked over Winn's shoulder, James right behind me.

"It's... A blog." James said. "By someone named Iris West. She writes about this speedster." He read. "He's the hero of Central City, on the West Coast, about 600 miles from Star City where Oliver lives. Everyone calls him The Flash."

"We need to go and find him." I said.

"Are you crazy?" Winn almost yelled. "That's halfway across the country!"

"You don't have to come." I said. He gave a sigh of relief at that remark. "But I'm going to try to get Clark to help me out."

"I'm coming too." James told me.

"No. It could be dangerous." I replied.

"So what? We've all been in more danger than this. Who knows? Maybe I could get a good shot of you with him working together." He said.

"Alright, but stay close to me, we don't know this city." I said with conviction.

"Don't worry, I will." He replied.

As I changed into my suit, Winn said, "Good luck." I grabbed a hold of James and we took off toward Smallville, where I happened to know that my cousin was staying with his parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent. I was really hoping that he would listen to me and help me out. I really needed his help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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