Chapter 13: Wake Me Up

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Leslie’s POV:

“Shit!” I heard someone mutter followed by a loud thud. Rubbing my eyes, I turned on my side to see Drew rummaging through his closet. I grinned to myself, realizing he was stepping on his tiptoes like he was trying not to wake me up. Well too late for that.

I pushed myself up slowly, leaning against the wall since his bed didn’t have a headboard. Drew turned around when he heard me sit up, causing him to frown.

“I didn’t wake you up did I?” He whispered, looking at me. 

“Little bit.” I yawned, stretching out my arms. “But it’s fine.” I quickly added with a smile when I realized I made him frown again.

“Sorry I just gotta get dressed.” Drew explained, pulling off his shirt. My eyes fell to his stomach, his abs were freaking unbelievable. He smirked at me before I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks start to burn. Shoot I definitely stared longer than I should have.

“Uh what time is it?” I asked sleepily, looking around for a clock.

“7:30.” Drew smiled, making me groan.

“Why the hell are you up so early?” I whined, closing my eyes and sinking back into the bed.

“Don’t want to miss out on the day.” I heard Drew explain as he moved across the room to open the blinds, letting in the bright sunlight. 

“Nooooooo.” I moaned again, grabbing a pillow to cover up my head and shield the light from blinding my eyes. I was so exhausted, I felt like I could sleep for 10 more hours. 

“Yessssss,” Drew laughed, coming over and pulling the pillow off my head. “C’mon you’re already awake, no point in going back to sleep now.” He coaxed me, tugging on my arm.

“I don’t want to.” I sighed before flipping from my stomach onto my back, turning my head to squint my eyes at Drew. “You’re blurry.” I told him. I slept in my contacts last night and they were moving around in my eyes.

“And you’re getting up.” He grinned before jumping on the bed and grabbing my ankles.

“Drew stop!” I yelled with a laugh, suddenly out of my sleepy daze. Propping myself up on my elbows, I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at his head. He dodged it, continuing to pull on my ankles until my legs were hanging off the side of the bed. Before I knew it he hopped off the bed and grabbed my legs, picking me up and throwing my body upside down over his shoulder.

“Holy shit put me down!” I screamed, pounding my fists against his back. Drew just cracked up, gripping my legs tighter as he walked us out of the room. 

“Drewwww.” I whined again, tapping his back more softly. I actually hated getting lifted and would probably have a panic attack if he didn’t let me down soon. Luckily Drew finally seemed like he understood and gently slid me down off his body onto the floor.

“You seriously suck.” I mumbled before sticking my tongue out at him.

“You’re seriously adorable.” He smirked, ruffling my hair lightly with a laugh. 

“Whatever.” I muttered back, faking a pout. As annoyed as I was for being woken up so early, it was pretty impossible to stay mad at him.

“Morning dudes!” I turned away from Drew, seeing Wesley walk into the room from outside. He was shirtless and sweaty like he had just come back from a run which knowing Wes he probably had. Once again I found myself staring at Wesley’s abs but this time I stopped myself before he could catch me. Why did they both have to have such perfect bodies, I couldn’t stand it. 

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