Ch. 3 This is the plan

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Bellamy was sitting on Clarke's bed that night and they were having a light conversation about a variety of things when Clarke sat up and looked serious. "Look I know you won't want to hear this but listen."

He furrowed his eyebrows but stayed silent. Clarke took that as her cue to continue.

Clarke took a deep breath. "Listen I have a friend named Ravin. She can hack into the goer menus files and get us passwords and lock codes. That means we can get through places most guards can't go. She knows this guy named Miller-"

"Miller!" You know Miller?" Bellamy asked.

"Ravin does. Who's Your Miller? This one is the head of camera security." Clarke said.

"That's my best friend." Bellamy said astonished. "If we are doing this he has to come with us."

"Of corse. Why else would he help us? He said he also wants to bring this guy named Bryan." Clarke explained.

Bellamy had met Bryan many times before. He was the man Miller was in love with. Bellamy nodded. And then he realized-"Miller is helping us?!?!"

Clarke nodded. "Yeah Ravin and him are good friends."

"We also need to bring the boys. Monty and Jasper. They work in farm station with Bryan. That makes me, you, O, Ravin, Miller, Bryan, Monty and Jasper. Clarke we will never be able to figure this out." Bellamy said sadly.

"This is the plan. You will work the wall this Thursday pm. There will be a power out, giving the auto locking systems on the security doors exactly one minute before the back up generator kicks in. Miller and Ravin will get in and take care of any one in there. Then they will order all guards to the gate to guard it. You will stay. When the coast is clear me Octavia and the boys, who will b hiding in a supply closet in the hall way leading to the stairs to get to the top of the wall will lock the door behind them. And since Ravin and Miller are already in the look out on the wall we will be the only ones in there."

(The wall is sort of like a building that goes around the place. Guards work 'in the wall' and that is where they report)

"Miller and Ravin and will join us after pausing the cameras on a still image so there is no recorded footage of us leaving, and Bryan who is dressed up as a guard with you, will be through down the rope ladder. We are home free. Also Miller will be taking back packs full of food and supplies to work and store them in the look out so we can grab our packs and leave" Clarke explained.

"A couple weeks of things princess. I don't have the night shift Thursday. How are you Octavia and the boys getting into the wall unnoticed and making sure nobody goes into that closet, where are we getting the uniform for Bryan and a ladder 50 stories high?!?" Bellamy said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Ravin will hack in and get you that shift, ever heard of the tunnels?-" Clarke gasped. "The tunnels! No it won't work. We need someone on the ground. In that closet. But! The boys and Octavia! "

"Slow down princess. What the hell are you talked by about?" Bellamy asked.

Clarke looked up. "There are under ground tunnels that go under the wall but have been closed off for decades. Octavia and Jasper could go through those. I will be in the closet and lock out the guards and then come meet you, Bryan, Miller and Ravin on top of the wall. Or Bryan could go with them and not risk getting caught and the packs could be stored there not risking Miller being caught." Clarke nodded her head. "That's what we will do. "

"Hold on. How does Ravin know all this stuff. She is an electrician!" Bellamy said.

"She was taught when she was young by a guy named Sinclair. She is surprisingly good with computers. She met Miller when he called her to fix something and got to talking and became fast friends." Clarke said.

Bellamy sighed. "Okay get me that shift and ensure Octavia's safety and I'm in. We can't lose anyone."

"We won't. We will have a meeting about the plan tomorrow." Clarke said. "Good night Bellamy, love you-uh um...sorry." She murmured.

He chucked and kissed behind her ear. "Love you too princess." He pulled back the covers and slid under the sheets behind her. "Good night."

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