Chapter 1

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It's time!!! IceStorm excitedly hopped around the entrance of the nursery, SilverStripe was having her kits!!! But the only one allowed in the nursery was GrayStream and SpottedNose the medicine cat. So IceStorm waited anxiously outside the nursery. SilverStripe padded out of the nursery carrying two tiny kits. She set them down and began licking them. One of them was a tom black with green eyes and the other was a gray she-cat with yellow eyes she was similar to her mother.
  "This one is named Dovekit." She nudged the gray kit. "And this one is named Blackkit." She pointed to the black kit. The kits huddled together and she brought them back in the nursery.


    LightningStar had called a clan meeting, She was on the new highstone and called up Breezekit. "Breezekit you are now six moons old and you are ready to become and apprentice. Breezepaw your mentor will be IceStorm!" When he heard his name he was confused and excited. Why would LightningStar pick him, he hasn't even been a warrior for to long and there are plenty of other warriors to pick?  IceStorm was shocked, was he ready for this challenge? "IceStorm will you pass on all the knowledge you have to Breezepaw?" LightningStar mewed. IceStorm nodded yes and walked up to touch noses with Breezepaw.

   IceStorm has just been made a mentor but there is still one question, will he be up for the challenge?

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