Clubbing and heartbreak

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*Ashton's p.o.v*

It's the night before the U.S part of the part of the tour. The boys and I were hanging out at the front of the tour when we heard...

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow
But if we are not wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

Lean on me when you're not strong
I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on
For (five) it won't be long (short) til I'm gonna need (elbow)
Somebody to lean on

Coming from the from the back room of the tour bus. We make a plan to barge in the back room and start singing the lyrics.

*Lexie's p.o.v*

The girls and I were bored  so we decided to have one of our famous dance parties. We we into the back room of the tour bus so the boys wouldn't catch us again

"What song are we gonna play?" Jenna asked.

"Oooooo I have one!!!" I said. I quickly grabbed my phone and went on to YouTube. I typed in the song and hit play.

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.

"Omg I haven't heard this song since camp a couple years ago." Alex exclaimed.

But if we are not wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

Lean on me when you're not strong
I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on
For (five) it won't be long (short) 'til I'm gonna need (elbow)
Somebody to lean on.

The song continued in to the next verse, that's when the door opened and the boys started screaming the lyrics.

Lean on me when you're not strong
I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.

Then the song ended and we all started laugh.

"That was awesome" Hope said excitedly.

"Hell yeah!" Michael yelled.

I grabbed my phone and played a song the boys probably haven't heard in awhile. I smiled evilly as everyone waited for the song to come on.

The intro came in and everyone looked and smiled. The boys acted like they were singing it to us.

When the girls, when the girls talk
When the girls talk boys
Oh when the girls, when the girls talk
When the girls talk boys


When you're talking to your girls, do you talk about me?
Do you say that I'm a sweetheart? Do you say that I'm a freak?
Do you tell them white lies? Do you tell them the truth?
Do you tell them that you love me, the way that I've been loving you?

Cause every night you and I find ourselves
Kissing and touching like no one else
Falling and falling until I fell,
For you

Then that song ended.

"What time is it?" Calum asked.

"It's 8:30" I said.

"Shit! I forgot to tell you guys we're going clubbing tonight." Ashton said.

"Okay give like half an hour and then we can go" I said. The girls and i quickly picked out outfits. Alex is wearing a black that was off the shoulder with a white pencil skirt. Hope is wearing black long sleeve shirt and a burgundy pencil skirt. Jenna is wearing a white silk cropped tank top with a sparkly skirt. I'm wearing a white blouse with black high-wasted shorts. Then we did our make-up. By the time we were done the boys we're waiting outside.

"Come on guys, they're waiting for us!!" I yelled .

"Okay, okay we're coming." Jenna said. We walked outside and they jaws dropped to the ground. I walked over to Ashton.

"Ash honey close your mouth, your gonna catch flies" I said and we both started giggling.

"Let's go guys" Luke yelled from the car. Ashton and I started walking toward and he grab my hand and whispered in my ear "damn you look hot". I started blushing like crazy. I climbed into the car. I was sitting beside Alex and Luke was next to her. Ten minutes later we arrived at the club.

"Alright everyone, try on to get to drunk tonight" Ashton said as we walked into the club.

Michael walked up to the bar and ordered us shots.

On 3, 1...2...3

We took the shots. That wasn't as bad as I thought is was gonna be. Then girls and I went to the dance floor but the boys stayed by the bar. We danced for like two hours when Luke came up to us.

"Um have you guys seen Ashton?" He said. I had bad feeling in my stomach now.

"Nope not since we got here" we said.

"Okay let's find Michael and Calum and the we'll split up and look for him" Luke said. We walked out of the crowd on the dance floor and found Michael and Calum still around the bar area.

"Guys we need to find Ashton" Luke said.

"Wait when did we leave you guys?" I asked.

"Like an hour ago. He had to go to the bathroom." Michael said.

"Okay let's split up and look for him." Calum said. Everyone went in pairs except for me I was by myself. I walked to where the bathrooms were and opened the door to the guys bathroom.

"Ashton" I yelled. No answer. That's when I noticed some room with couched in it. I walked in to see if anyone was in there. I walked over to one of the couches and my heart broke. There he was doing it with some other girl. With tears streaming down my face I yelled

"How could you." And before he could answer I was out of the room. I guess Luke and Alex heard me yell cause they were standing right outside of the room.

"What happened?" They asked as I ran by. I just keep running until I was outside. I called the car to come and get me. I waited about 10 minutes and then the car was here. All I was thing was I'm never forgiving him. I got back to the bus and took all of my make up and hopped in bed and cried myself to sleep.


Sorry about the long wait and for the kinda sad chapter

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