Part 1: A Wail in the Woods

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He drew his hand across the bark of a tree as he walked past it. He called himself Helvetica, but the townspeople preferred to call him
'Silentwatcher'. How they came up with such a ludicrous name was beyond him, but he continued walking, farther away from the town with each step.

People feared his lengthy stature, his extra digits, his pointy teeth, his pitch black eyes, his skinny body - all of him. They were terrified of everything about his appearence.

Suddenly, he heard a loud wail coming from nearby. From the sound of it, it was about 20 feet away. He made his way there, hiding behind a tree before he peeked around it, spotting a small girl with her face in her hands.

He walked up behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. She sniffled and looked up at him, hugging his leg. He stepped backward, taken aback slightly. He plucked the girl off of his leg, careful not to scratch her with his razor sharp fingers. He coddled her like the small child she was.

Helvetica took another step back as a tear landed on him. He quickly shifted the child to one arm, using the other to climb up a nearby tall tree. He sat on one of the high branches, placing the girl in both of his arms. He then began to hum.

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