Chapter 1

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"There is a storm coming and we cannot continue this way sir, it is a very dangerous way" the pilot's assistant said

"I know but well it's not like we can stay here until the storm ends. We have to keep moving" the pilot said

"But sir... there isn't another course that we can follow" the pilot's assistant insisted

"There is" the pilot said ready to change the course of the steering wheel

"Sir... you don't mean what I think you mean right" he whispered hoping he is wrong

"You know exactly what I mean... we are going through the Bermuda Triangle"

"Sir I know you are the pilot here but everyone knows that the Bermuda Triangle it's not a safe way to follow especially for the planes"

"I am very aware of that. But you know very well too that with all the storm that is coming we don't know if we are gonna survive either so what do we have to lose?" He said and the assistant nodded slowly not really have a saying to this...

"Ok sir, right away sir"


Caroline's POV

"Alexander can you give me my bag now... you made your fun" I rolled my eyes

"Why would I do that? Tell me" Alexander chuckled

Oh god I hate this boy

"Oh come on Alexander seriously give me my bag now please"

"How I love it when you beg for me" he smirked and gave me my bag... well more like threw it to me

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour

Our school did a project with 50 kids, ages 17 and 18 and they decided to go for a trip to America. Of course the London kids loved the idea.
The thing is that the trip is kind of long... can you believe it, 10 hours inside this bloody plane

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the pilot talking, unfortunately there is a strong storm coming so we have to change our course.
The way it's not gonna be easy so you have to stay on your seats. Thank you for your attention" the pilot said and then the kids started discussing to each over about what the pilot said

"they are gonna change our course?" Zoe said

"But there is not other way to go" Faith said

"There is, but no one goes there because every plane or boat that goes that way is getting lost" Kimberly ,a good friend of mine, said

"You are not talking about the Bermuda Triangle, are you?" Zoe, The girl that talked first, asked with her eyes wide open

"I am and I think that's the way that we are following " Kimberly said again and the girls around her gasped

"But we can't go this way... it's very risky"

"Tell that to the pilot" she chuckled

The Bermuda Triangle?

"Oh come on what do you know about the courses a plane should follow huh? How do you know that there isn't another way?" Elliot rolled his eyes

"Of course she knows. Her father is a pilot you idiot" Violet said from the seat next to me

"Oh look THE idiot said somebody else Idiot. So much irony" Ian said, another friend of Alexander's that I hate

It was supposed to be a beautiful trip but of course my fate wanted otherwise

First of all I'm in a plane for 10 hours and if we forget for a moment that next to me is sitting my best friend (thank god I'm not alone) Violet and another friend of mine, Alicia, beside me and on the other side of the corridor were boys... and what boys...

Attractive.... STUPID Boys...

Yes they were attractive indeed but they were assholes, all of them... so...

Beside me were Joshua, Oliver and Elliot. At the other side of the corridor were Alexander, Ian and Niklaus

Thankfully at the seats in front of us were girls I hung out with and not just somee girls that only care for their looks. They were Stacy, Kimberly and Ashley.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the pilot talking again, we are ready to change our course and for doing that you should stay on your seats until we tell you otherwise. Thank you for your attention" the pilot said again and everyone sat down

Here we go


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