Chapter 3

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Juliet took a sip of her coffee, sitting on a stone wall somewhere in the huge garden. Violet had joined her and Tate, smoking a cigarette at the other side of the wall. Tate smiled at Juliet before he took a step back. Juliet frowned at this before she looked up, seeing her father approach. Violet looked up as well, alarmed "Relax. I'm not here to bust you." Secretly he was glad to see Juliet not making any new marks on herself.

"Why not?"

"Because what you guys went through last week can haunt you a long time." Violet raised her brow.

"Seriously, Dad? I'm fine. It'll make a great college essay one day." Ben chuckled.

"Okay. But if you ever want to talk to somebody..." Juliet sighed.

"Dad... I mean, not me. You know, I'm way too expensive. But we can find you someone." Violet nodded, done with this conversation.

"Okay, thanks. I'll think about it." Ben smiled sadly at his girls before he left. Tate stepped out of his hiding place and sat next to Juliet.

"He's a great dad. He really cares. You're lucky like that." Violet snorted and took another breather off her cigarette, exhaling smoke.


"What do you think, grey or black?" Juliet asked, standing in her room, wearing her old clothes. Tate stood next to her eying the paint buckets at his feet.

"I don't think we should paint these walls" Juliet frowned and turned back to the wall.

"I don't even think this is the original color." She took a step forwards and used her nail to scrape some of. "See it used to be grey. Don't you think I can paint it grey again" Tate was silent for a moment before he nodded.

"I think that's best." Juliet smiled and took a paint brush. Tate joined them and in no time they had painted the wall back to its original grey. "It does look better" Tate smiled softly, eying the walls. Juliet wiped her hands at her trousers and nodded.

"Everything's better than baby pink" She took the buckets and placed them next to her door. When she turned back to Tate, he was already busy moving the furniture back to its original place.

"Tell me something you have never told anyone" Tate suggested. Juliet pursed her lips, pushing her dresser back.

"Umm, well you know about the thing I have burned" Tate nodded. "Oh I know, I'm colorblind" Tate stopped moving and turned to her.

"Colorblind? So you have never seen any color?" Juliet shook her head. The dresser back against the wall.

"No, I was born with it so I don't really know the difference"

"What do you imagine I look like?" Juliet smiled.

"I think you are purple, with a green shirt and blue hair" Tate chuckled. "No but seriously. I think you have light skin with blonde hair and bright green eyes." Tate stepped towards her and smiled.

"You're not wrong but how do you know what colors are?"

"I think that blue is the color of peace, green the color of change, yellow the color of life and red the color of anger." Juliet took one of her posters off her bed and turned to the wall to hang it up. "That was until I met you. Now red is the color of affection, of being near each other" Tate placed his hand on her shoulder making her look at him.

"Do you mean that?" Juliet blushed but smiled.

"Yes, I think so." Tate smiled widely showing off his dimples before he quickly closed the gap between them and kissed her. Not rough or anything, just sweetness and love.

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