Chapter Eleven: Duct Tape Lover

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~ Caitlin's Point Of View ~ 

"Ba-dada-dum-da, da-da-da - DOO-WEE-DOO!" I screamed the Doctor Who theme song as got ready I tackled 'Him' to the ground and tackled him to the ground. 

My 'death' has been decided, which is in two days, several hours, thirty minutes and twenty-two seconds - then my existence will be, well - non-existent.  

I try to make sure my mind won't wonder - but it always seemed to go back to the same things, 'How are the kids?', 'How is Sophie?', 'How is Niall-' woah, woah, woah... I need to stop thinking here. 

I heard the door open and I shot forward, tackling him to the ground I ended up straddling him before I closed him in the jaw, kneed him where it hurts and then clocked him one in the face - successfully knocking the poor chap out. 

Standing up slowly I stared down at him, then to my cell - and then started sprinting the maze of a hallway. Dayum - who the hell built this place?! The King of Mazes?! 

I kept going left before I turned a corner and collided with something - well, someone... 

"What the f-" 

"Hello darling" she stares at me as she spoke in a sickly sweet tone that made my stomach clench as she gives me a demon-possessing-a-child smile and then something hard hit the back of my hand, knocking me unconscious. 

~ Sophie's Point Of View ~ 

"So you're telling me, that you saw my sister being kidnapped - right here?" I asked Zayn and Liam as I gesture to the spot I was standing on. 

They nodded and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose - 'And they couldn't even help her?! Calm your anger Sophie - you need to be calm to be able to hunt down the bastard that kidnapped Caitlin!'. 

"And what colour was the car?" 

"It was a black one..." Zayn trailed off awkwardly. 

"A black Rover" Liam said - okay, a little better, we're finally piecing up a 'profile' like we're some FBI agents or something. 

"Awesome - now let's go ask people if they saw the Rover" we all ran off and started to approach random people and asked them. 

We were all asking - but Niall seemed to be asking most of the crowd around here. Harry and I came to the same person and before I could ask, Harry beat me to it. 

"Hello Ma'am, sir" Did one of you see a black Rover passing through here?" Harry asked - pulling a charming smile as he pulled them into his trap of 'charming-ness'. 

"Yeah, I saw one a while back, drove through there speeding as if he saw the devil himself" the old man says, pointing us down a street and I felt my heart start to beat faster and faster. 

"THANK YOU!" I yelled, hugging the old man and woman before I started running down the street - and found a black Rover in front of a house. 


~ Caitlin's Point Of View~ 

I sat in the same concrete cell - but on a chair this time. And I was tied to the chair by rope and duct tape - well, we all know I'm now screwed because of the duct tape. 

"Mmmmmpphh!" I say into the duct tape that was over my mouth - and now is the moment where I realize I have duct tape over my mouth... freaking brilliant. 

This is it - isn't it? This is how I'm going to die - by being taped to a chair by freaking duct tape, the traitor. All those pranks I pulled in boarding school meant nothing - did it duct tape?! 

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