Takasugi Shinsuke X Reader - Sick

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So here comes some Takasugi, because I've been missing the guy and he certainly deserves the love!

I just found this picture and it gave me the idea for the story.


Have fun, sweeties!!!😄😄😄


You were running around the ship, checking each of the various rooms.

What were you doing? That was the question that everyone in the Kihentai wanted to ask you, but they just didn't wanted to disturb since you looked like you were terribly focused  at the moment in the task you were handling.

After you checked the entire first floor and the deck of the ship, Bansai decided to finally mutter the courage and ask you the question:

" What are you doing?" - Bansai simply stated, tapping your shoulder to get your attention.

You turned around to face him and with a tint of pink on your cheeks you answered his question:

"I-I'm looking for Shinsu---" - you interrupted yourself and corrected your informal speech to a more formal one - "I was looking for Lord Takasugi, Bansai-sama. I hadn't seen him in some time, so I was getting worried..."

"Is that all?" - Bansai sighed.

You gave him a questioning look, you weren't understanding where he was going with this, should you just ignored the missing presence of your commander? Of course not! You would never be able to do that.

"Why didn't you just ask where he was? You looked so focused that looked like you were looking for a bomb or something!" - he explained, making your face bright red in embarassement - " Shinsuke is taking care of important business in his room. He said that he doesn't want to be disturbed, but if you're that worried just go check on him!"

Relief suddenly took over your expression. You thanked your Vice-commander and runned towards the Kiheitai's leader room.

Time Skipp--------------------------

Once you reached Takasugi's room, your hand moved in to knock, but stopped before it could touch the metal superficie of the door.

Should you realy bother Takasugi after he had gave straight orders not to be disturbed? You were feeling doubts.

While you were taking your time thinking, Matako, who had eavesdropped your entire conversation with Bansai, took the chance to move in.

She passed you, carrying a board of tea and without any second thoughts she knocked on the door and forcing her entrance in the room, she started trying to charm Takasugi.

Lucky you, her atempts didn't seem to have much effect, since, after recieving the tea, Takasugi just sent her off without many but direct words:

"Don't disturb me."

You notiçed that there was something off with his voice, it looked like it was more hoarse than usual...

While you were still lost in thought, Matako, disapointed, had closed the door and left, leaving only you next to the room, alone.

In one hand, you wanted to check if Takasugi was realy ok, but in other, he had already shooted Matako down, how many chances could you have?

You were about to give up, when Kamui passed throught the hallway you were in and noticed you. It only took him one look to quickly understand the situation. He had allied with a Kiheitai pretty recently, but he hadn't to be a genius to notice that you had feelings for Takasugi and he was actualy very smart.

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