The Journal of Madoka The Reaper - 1

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  Entry #1, Month- December Day - 31 Year - 1770

                    Dear Journal,

           Yes, I am not going to call this a diary, despite a female's journal traditionally being referred to as such. Why? Because I want to, as well as the term 'diary' making me think of content like pointless crushes and the like.

          Alright, anyways, back to the matter at hand. Or, perhaps it would be pen? Hmm. Well, regardless. I've been told by my mentor that it is good to keep a personal record thought one's time as a reaper. As I trust my mentor I will oblige. I honestly had never even once considered this before, and probably would not have started doing this if he had not told me to do so. I do suppose he s right, especially as I tend to keep my thoughts and feelings bottle up and this can be a way to at least let them out some how.

          I suppose I should tell you about myself. Now, I know very well I am not speaking to a book. I am speaking to whom ever is reading this journal. I trust you have my permission if you are reading this. If you don't however, I suggest you stop reading right now, if you do continue with out my permission I will find out and there will be consequences. Very harsh ones, mind you. If you don't believe me just find Grell Sutcliff and ask him how hard I can kick, I'm sure he'd be all to happy to tell you.

            Now, onto the topic. I am a Shinigami, or in common terms, a grim reaper, of the Retrieval Division, Engllish branch of the Reaper Dispatch. For those who do not know, though I don't know how you are reading this if you don't, but one must be thorough, a Shinigami is an immortal being with the duty to review and collect souls. Now one becomes a Shinigami most commonly due to having committed suicide in their human life and this continued existence is used as punishment for such an action. I myself did this by slitting my wrists for personal reasons I do not wish to disclose. Now, don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Someone who feels they need to end they're life doesn't deserve a punishment. This is just considered a punishment and I'm not exactly certain as to why this happens. The reason it is considered a punishment is because by committing suicide one wishes to end their life and very existence but is then forced to live for an indeterminate amount of time, while at the same time screening and collecting the souls of others who wish to continue living. Most of us come to terms with this continued existence however and do our best to work diligently so that we are one day forgiven by whatever force forced us to continue living and are then finally aloud a peaceful rest from life. 

          My name is Madoka Kato. Pronounced Maa-Dow-Kaa Kaa-Toe for those who were curious. My first name means circle, or circle of flowers, in Japanese. And yes, am an of Japanese heritage, though I do have a small amount of English heritage on my father's side of the family, if I recall my human bloodlines correctly. Reapers do not age, so since becoming one I haven't change physically. My outward appearance makes me out to be the age of 22, which I was at the time of my death. However, since that time thirty years have passed so now I am, in human age, 52. I remain the height of 5''4' and weigh 130 lbs. Currently I keep my hair long and up in a braided bun with a looped braid on wither side of my head, and a thin braid going down the left side of my face. I intend one day to cut it all off, but have been told it wouldn't be a good look for me. I've never been one for appearance though, but I will keep it long if it keeps others from pestering me. Ah, I seem to have forgotten to mention that my hair is purple in color as well as the fact that the two looping braids are a lighter shade then the rest of my hair, as is the thin braid. Like all Shinigami I have chartreuse phosphorescent eyes, which means my eyes are yellow with a green ring around the pupil. In particular my eyes are of a golden yellow and pine green hue. I also wear a pair of simple purple rimmed glasses, as reapers are inherently and extremely near sighted. I also have a thin scar across the bridge of my nose from an accident when I was younger.

           As per protocol, I trained as a Shinigami before becoming a full-fledged, or official, Shinigami. I trained under the watchful and attentive eye of William T. Spears. I successfully passed the final exam of screening and collecting a soul, screening is when a reaper observes a person before they are scheduled to die and determine if they should be permitted to live, as well as having an overall A average for my training. After graduating I worked, and currently work, alongside my mentor in the English branch. In this time I had, for reasons I do not know, unfortunately caught the attention of one Grell Sutcliff. He insisted on giving me a make over, as he thought that the typical uniform of a black suit and tie did not fit me. At first I denied his requests but it eventually become to distracting and I allowed him to 'reinvent me' as he put it. In actuality the outfit he made me wasn't horrendous nor overly flamboyant. He dressed me in a purple shirt to match my hair, a black over shirt, black dress pants, and a light purple vest of sorts. He is also the one who styled my hair. Grell also gave me a black and silver skull choker with matching ear rings, and black and pale purple clips to go in my hair. He permitted me to keep the cross necklace I had worn previous to this. I now ware this outfit as my work uniform after having it approved for use. 


          That should be sufficient for now. Though, I do suppose I should inform you of my recent activities as well. As of late my personal work load has been fairly light. Because of this I have been visiting the synamatic record library. A snynamtic record is, in brief, the records of an individual's entire life, from birth to the day they died. By looking through the library I have come to be aware of the fact that there are individuals that personify the different countries of the world. These individuals are also immortal beings and look just as much like any normal human being as Shinigami do. I find them fascinating to say the very least. I've found the most deal of interest in the personification of England, who also goes by Arthur Kirkland. He is very interesting to observe, both in synamatic record and in person. Arthur is much like myself in the aspect that he is not easy to get close to and is not very good at expressing his emotions to others. I will continue to observe these him and perhaps I will eventually introduce myself to him.  

                                                                                                                                                                             Farewell for now,

                                                                                                                                                                                     Madoka Kato

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