Chapter 4: Independence Day All Hail America

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Chapter 4: Independence Day, All Hail America

5:18 (Local Time)

'Europe's Seas Leaves Millions Dead' is the brilliant headline of today's newspaper. What a wonderful title to start off Independence Day! note the sarcasm. It's not even recent, I mean it happened over what seven months ago?

It was a beautiful sunny day in cool North America. My family and I are heading over to Douglas Island in Alaska for the Independence Day party. We just passed through the Canadian-Alaska border. You'd think that the country from which flapjacks with maple syrup came from would have morning people. Dead wrong. The lass couldn't even say a coherent hello, how much more operate a border checkpoint with over a hundred people passing through said border at 5 in the morning. Honestly.

Well right now, that's the least of my problems. You see I have little...cute things, I forgot what they were called, who have energy that come in truckloads.

Twins flanked my left and right while the other siblings corrupting the seats behind me. There's 5-year-old Wren, bouncing in his seat screaming how exciting this is, 4-year-old Azura, who is copying her elder brother like a mirror, and 7-year-old Tyrone and Taylor, talking my ear off about anything and everything. I swear these youngsters will be the death of me.


Grandchildren!!! That's what they were called.

Oh right... the name's Wyatt, Wyatt Meyers. My son, Allen, and his wife, Tiana, along with this rambunctious bunch occupy this van. And just to let you know...I might be a little bit crazy for talking to myself and my late wife, Cylene but oh well, I'm old. That justifies almost everything. Plus, the senior citizen card being the most powerful card and is in my possession is an added bonus.

With that in mind, I fell asleep with the kids still on full blast.


Just as I felt that we came to stop in front of Sandy Beach, I literally fell out the door, smack into the sand. I was rudely jolted awake. Wait...when did I get to the side of the door? Outside...oh! Thank the heavens that's over with. A little more and I would have lost my sanity...and my hearing. I heard a bunch of giggling and chuckles behind me. I looked back and saw everyone looking at me. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did, Dad." My smart aleck of a son said.

"Alright let's get ready and stop making fun of old granpa." Tiana chirped, trying to hide a smile.

"Hey! I'm not that old."

She gave me a flat look then turned to get the little bundles of megaphones--I mean joy, ready for the sand sculpting contest. Once mentioning the said contest, they all ran to the area. Where do they get the energy? Tiana went to help the kids build their masterpieces while my son and I carried the luggage--I may be old but not that old--into the hotel for the bellboy to get.

"Hey son." Allen looked at me with a questioning look. "Race ya!" Then I took off.

"Hey!" I think I heard him protest but was too far to hear.

I laughed as I ran to the beach. Good thing I go jog every morning.

Once I got to the rest and sat down, I can proudly say that I won, naturally. Tiana looked over my shoulder, at Allen and started laughing. I looked back to see Allen sulkily run to us. I heard slight mutterings of cheater and bad influence from him as he tumbled towards us but that made both of us laugh even harder. The kids giggled along. That's my bundles of megaphones!

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