Chapter 2: Secrets Unveiled

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Chapter 2: Secrets Unveiled

18:27 (Local Time)

Where am I? Why is it so dark? Am I getting kidnapped? This chair sure is cold, I must be in an airconditioned room...or in Siberia. He shuddered and bowed his head. Thunk. Ow damn it metal table! Oh wait...

Memories of the excavation site flooded into Steve's mind, refreshing him of every single detail. He blushed at the kissing part. He then remembered the arrests. He stiffened at a slight dragging noise in front of him.

"I see you are now conscious. Remove the blindfold." A beautiful female voice rang out.

His blindfold was removed, exposing his eyes to the harsh light. He squinted and turned away. He felt the cuffs on his hands loosen. Soon enough, he was free. His eyes adjusted to the light. He was in a white room with a wide black glass on one side. He assumed that that is one of those 'You can't see me but I can see you' windows like the ones on television. He then noticed a stunning woman sitting in front of him with an amused grin.

"You know your face reveals everything. I don't need to try to read your mind. You might want to close your mouth. Don't want you to choke on a fly." His jaw immediately shuts up. He did not even know his mouth was open.

"So what did you see at the excavation site?" She inquired, now taking on a serious look.

"Why should I tell you? For all I know, you people kidnapped me and probably everyone else at the site. You could be one of those if-I-told-you-I-would-have-to-kill-you type of people. But since I already know, you are going to kill me now." He speculated.

"Wow...right on the dot."

"What?!" He panicked. He was only joking. He doesn't want to die. He frantically looked around for an escape route, then a weapon to defend himself, and then a gun meant to kill him.

Just when a plan had formed into his head, a melodic laughter rang. He looked at the woman incredulously. Is she for real? Laugh at the dead-man-to-be?

"I'm only kidding. Jeez you take these things way too seriously. We will not kill you or the rest of your team. We will have to erase some memories though." She looked up thoughtfully.


"Oops." She held her mouth, eyes wide. "You are not supposed to know that. Oh well, now you have to be in on our little secret too." She sighed.

"Too?" There were more? Who made it? Did Kassandra? Hopefully not Anderson. What secret though? These questions zoomed through his head like a Gatling gun's bullets through air.

"Yes, certain people from your team are chosen to be part of this secret. You will be too...on one condition." She held one of her fingers up. He leaned in closer to hear it.

"You have to promise to not tell whatever information you know, unless personal, to another soul. This excludes the ones in on our secret. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now listen very carefully..." She said to the black window, "bring in the other one!" Only one?

Moments later, the door opened. Kassandra walked in with a slightly frightened expression but her eyes lit up with fire. Relief coursed through her veins as she ran to Steve and hugged him. They pulled away, aware of others watching. They turned to the woman as she began to speak.

"Now, what I am about to tell you two is highly and strictly confidential. Both of you are the only ones from your teams in Rapa Nui, Ethiopia, and others related to the fossils you uncovered just a few days ago. Now these..." She brought out pictures of cave drawings, all of similar elements: a sun, stick people and ten planets, including Pluto. The unkown planet is huge and drawn farther away from the rest.

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