Chapter 1:Vale

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It was night time in Vale. People were most likely be in their houses, hanging out with some friends, partying, or probably training to become hunters/huntresses. I mean, this world is filled with nightmarish creatures known as 'Grimms', black, soulless monsters that are out to kill humanity.

In a dark alleyway, a certain pink portal appeared and a certain 15-year-old girl emerged from it. The girl fell to the ground with a loud thud, landing on her butt. She was quite tall for a 15-year-old and her figure was rather slender. She had long black hair that covered her entire back and midnight purple eyes. She wore black pants that covered half of her legs, only stopping at her knees. Over her white shirt was a black sleeveless jacket that reached down to her hips. She also had a black wristband that contained a strange jewel, a black side backpack with a strange symbol on it, a purple scarf and a golden cross-like wheel shaped necklace.The girl's name was Silver Qross, the Kalos pokemon champion, a strong-willed, kind and brave individual who's not afraid to speak her mind. She got up and checked her surroundings, making sure that Palkia had teleported her to a safe place.

"Hurry up we need to go!" A feminine voice cried out. Silver looked around, trying to find who ever cried out to her, until she realized it was actually Palkia, yelling inside her mind.

"Palkia! you scared me for a moment!"Silver exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried what would happen if" Palkia mumbled the last word, hoping that Silver didn't hear her, unfortunately, she did.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna save both this world and our world and finally defeat Giratina!"Silver declared as she walked out of the alleyway. Then, when she got out, all she could see were tall buildings, taller then the ones in Lumiose City.

"Earth to Silver!" Palkia broke her thoughts.

"Sorry! it's just that-"

"Let her go!"Cried a child's voice.

Silver looked around the place and saw the most horrific sight. Two kids, a girl with wolf ears and tail, and a boy with bunny ears, were getting beaten up by a group of mean-looking thugs.

"Animals like you shouldn't even be around here punk!"The biggest one, probably the leader, exclaimed.

"We're not animals you-"Before the bunny-eared boy could finish his sentence, another thug kicked him in the stomach.

"Lupus!"The wolf girl cried as she ran towards the bunny-eared boy known as Lupus as Lupus got up. Then, a pair of hands grabbed the wolf girl's tail and began pulling it roughly. The wolf girl winced in pain as the thugs laughed.

"Leave Aubrey alone!"Lupus shouted, only to get punched in the face, again.

Silver was furious at the sight, she got more angrier when she saw that no one was even bothering to help the poor kids, but, some people with animal traits tried too, but they were probably too scared to even help them.

"Despicable, idiotic fools..." Palkia scoffed.

"Should I stop them?"Silver asked.

"Normally I would say no but..."Palkia paused as her eyes glowed red"Yes, please stop them, this reminded me of a human I was friends with before..."

"HEY!"Silver shouted, grabbing everyone's attention "Leave those poor kids alone!"

"What do you want punk!?" the leader demanded as Silver got closer "Are you blind? we're busy dealing with these animals!"

"Are you deaf? I said Leave.them.alone"Silver calmly repeated, ignoring  the leader's question.

"And what are you gonna do if we don't huh punk?"Another thug challenged her. Silver looked at the kids and saw fear clouding in their eyes, it reminded her of one of her friends, this made her angrier than before.

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