chapter 1

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I hear my alarm blaring and grab my phone. I look at the clock and it said 2am. I groaned but realized what day it was. September 1st. I realized i was leaving around 3am and groaned again. I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt as we will be in the car for the next 7 hours. i made sure I had everything packed up and went downstairs.

"hey mom," I said and smiled. "hey love," she said. I smiled. "today's the day," I smiled. she smiled back and I smiled 10x more. "I can't wait," I said. "you're leaving in 30 minutes," she said. "Dani and her mom are coming for breakfast in a couple minutes," she said. just then the door flew open and Dani ran in.

"TODAY'S THE DAYYY," she screamed. I shrieked and she did too. we had been dreaming of this day for the past 60 days. playlist has been our dream forever. my mom had made us pancakes and our parents talked. it was finally time to leave. Dani and I smiled at each other and walked out to the car.

we were both very tired so we put on some light music and fell asleep. we woke up around 9. we were still about an hour away. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. a few texts from some friends. I had a text from Conner and Jonas telling me they were excited to see me and I smiled.

I also had DMS from blake, corbyn and Jared. I smiled and Dani and I listened to music until we finally pulled up to our hotel. we ran to the hotel with our bags so no one would see us because we were in sweatpants. we ran up and I put on an alien shirt with a pair of ripped jeans along with my black converse.

I straightened my hair and added some eyeshadow, concealer, and lipstick. I smiled at my appearance and turned to Dani. she was ready too so we said goodbye to her mom and headed down stairs to the venue. today was the day and I wasn't gonna let anything bring me down

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