Chapter 2

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Brynlee was late.

Due to her unexplainable need to reminisce about the past the night before, she had woken up two hours later than usual and was now two hours late for her job at the museum. She walked briskly to the museum, which was conveniently located just a few blocks away from her house. The job she had taken at the museum was simply for entertainment purposes, not for financial reasons. It gave her a strange sense of satisfaction as she explained to visitors the history that she herself had lived through.

She reached the museum in record time.

Unfortunately her boss, Mr. Blai, was waiting for her at the doors. He gave her a fierce look.

"Ah, Miss, uhm..."

"Smith" she supplied. He glared at her.

"Did I ask for any assistance?" She shook her head no.

He continued, " Late again for the third time in the week, I see. Need I remind you we are running a museum here and not a free for all? If you arrive late another time this week, I am afraid the museum will have to let you go. Now, your nine o' clock tour has arrived, and are anxiously waiting in the foyer to begin."

He cast a snobby glance at her before he walked away. Brynlee sighed, another threat from this pompous man. She was seriously beginning to wonder why she put up with him. She didn't need the damn job anyway, and she was the best tour guide the museum had ever had. That was mainly as a result of her knowledge of all the history it contained.

She placed her coat and bag in the staff lounge and headed to the foyer. It was time for her to start the tour.


Later that night, Brynlee went around the museum, locking up. It was the punishment given to her by her insufferable boss as a result of her consistent tardiness. She couldn't have cared less. She was the only one inside the building and the only sound that could be heard was that of her footsteps and breathing.

It was the way she liked it. It reminded her of her childhood, when no one really went out at night and there were no sounds of vehicles or alarms. No lights to blind one from looking up and seeing the stars. It was a calmer, more peaceful time, that she was happy she had the opportunity to live through.

She walked over to the Oregon Trail exhibit. She checked the costumes on the mannequins to assure that all was in place. She thought she heard someone whistle. She look around and then remembering that she was the only person in the museum, dismissed it as a figment of her imagination.


They stooped on the roof of the nearby building, invisible to the human eye.

"Target confirmed to be Brynlee," a female voice said

"Take her out" a deeper voice answered.

The owner of the voice looked around to make sure everyone was on board.

"That ...thing is a vessel containing Aglaeca. The damned witch may awaken soon, depending on the things mental will and abilities. Do not underestimate her. Take her out swiftly and efficiently and then we burn the corpse to cleanse out any evil spirits. When I whistle," he demonstrated, "We go in. Is that clear?"

He glanced around the group, once again. Everyone nodded.

Except one.


Brynlee walked into the staff room to collect her belongings and to close the window in the small room. She heard a soft whistle coming from outside. She looked around. She hoped it wasn't one of the drunkards again.

Unfortunately for her it wasn't.

The glass of the window shattered, slivers piercing her hands and face. She fell to the floor in surprise, as she saw several figures dressed in black entering from the window. She saw daggers attached to their hips. These people were armed and dangerous.

She got up and began to run.

They followed.

She ran as fast as humanly possible, dodging exhibits as best as she could. The mannequins for the Oregon trailer were thrown on the ground in an effort to slow down the intruders. They seemed inhumanely fast and even though she was once a sprinter in her youth, the intruders caught up to her easily.

Her legs became tangled in something and she fell.

They had caught her with a net, the three edges weighed down with rocks, which had wrapped themselves around her leg. She struggled against her bindings. The intruders stood above her and watched, not one of them out of breath like she was.

She stopped struggling and observed them closely. Their clothing reminded her of what hunters used to wear back when she was young. They wore black masks on their faces that covered from the top of their noses to the bottom of their chins.

She waited for one of them to make a move. She didn't have to wait long.

"Exterminate her."

The intruders circled her. They held hands and began to chant, their words sounding slow and ominous. She struggled against her bindings. Their chanting grew louder. Their eyes began to glow behind closed lids, and they began to float.

Her legs no longer listened to her and lay still on the ground. She looked around and said a quick prayer to whoever was up there and prepared for her death.

It never came.

The next thing she knew, the chanting stopped and she was being lifted off of the ground. She opened her eyes to see that she was being held by one of the intruders. The others lay on the ground, having fallen. They all angrily glared at the one holding her.

He pulled down his mask.

"This girl is to be protected by the order of the Council of the Highest."

A long scroll appeared before him floating in the air. The leader of the intruders, read it quickly and turned around, anger shining in his dark blue eyes.

He walked over to her rescuer and whispered in her ear, " This isn't over yet ye bloody vas."

And with that they all vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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