I Refuse To Eat A Cute Fluffy Bunny Rabbit

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Lucy's jaw dropped, "This is where you guys have been living?!"

Lucy stood in the center of a large clearing. A rock face framed three-quarters of the clearing, while the line of forest trees framed the entrance. A medium sized waterfall cascaded off the side of the cliff and fell into a beautiful, clear lake below. Lush green grass covered the clearing, with a small sandy beach surrounding the lake.

Lucy couldn't believe that this place hadn't been burnt to a crisp yet. Though, on closer inspection, Lucy could see sections of grass had been burnt away, and there were scorch marks on the rock face.

Yep, they had definitely been living here.

Lucy turned back to Natsu to see a grin on his face. His hands were resting on the back of his head as he walked towards her, Happy flying close behind.

"Neat, hey? We were lucky to find it; it was pretty well hidden." Natsu said, a proud look adorning his face.

The blonde nodded, spinning on her heel to look around again. "Natsu, it's amazing."

"Lushee, wait until you see our cave, it's even cooler!" Happy flew ahead of them and seemingly disappeared into the rock face.

Lucy felt a hand close around her wrist and was jolted forward as Natsu pulled her along. "C'mon, Luce." He flashed her a grin, and she felt her cheeks grow warm.

Natsu led her over to the side of the waterfall and led her up a small, rocky incline. The mist from the waterfall rained down onto her skin. The sound of the waterfall was more prominent now, but it wasn't overwhelming – rather a hum in the background.

Natsu stopped as they made their way onto a ledge, and before Lucy stood a large cave. A fire flickered brightly off the walls as she walked inside. Happy was seated beside the fire, nibbling on a fish. The cave wasn't too deep, and Lucy could see a makeshift bed of animal furs in the corner.

She turned back to the fire to see Natsu was now sitting beside it. His back was propped up against a log. Lucy walked over and sat opposite to Natsu, finding a log already there for her to lean against.

"This is amazing, guys." Lucy shook her head unbelievably. "No wonder I couldn't find you. You've been hiding here the whole time!" Lucy hadn't meant to have a go at him, but she saw his face take on a more serious expression.

"How long were you looking for us?" Natsu asked quietly.

"Basically, since you left..." Lucy shook her head, "Natsu, it's fine, really. It's passed, and it wasn't your fault Fairy Tail disbanded."

Happy dropped his fish, looking at her wide eyed. "Fairy Tail disbanded? Why?!" the blue cat shrieked.

Lucy winced, she had forgotten she hadn't told Happy. "I don't know. Master never told us why, and he disappeared soon after. I haven't heard from him since."

Happy looked crestfallen, and Lucy thought she heard a small sniffle from the cat. "W-Where's Carla?"

Lucy smiled slightly, reaching over to pat the exceeds head affectionately. "Wendy and Carla joined Lamia Scale. There really wasn't anywhere else for them to go, and Wendy has friends there. They're fine, Happy."

Happy nodded sullenly and went back to chewing his fish half-heartedly.

Lucy glanced back over to Natsu to see he was staring absently into the fire. He obviously felt guilty for leaving her. Lucy winced when she remembered how she had slapped and yelled at him earlier. Now she felt guilty as well.

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