Power Revealed! A Burning in Her Soul?

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     "JENNA!" Tamaki yelled as he fetched some water. I looked at them startled as Tamaki poured water on me I put out my flames so it looked like it was the water but when they didn't see any burn marks, there would be questions. I ran upstairs and locked my door. I crawled under my bed and went out the secret chute, but Kaoru caught me. He examined me and saw I was perfectly fine he looked at me puzzled, but not scared. "Please tell me what's going on. It's just us and you can trust me." "NO!" I screamed. "You'll never look at me the same, if even at all! I hid it because you will ALL think I'm a monster!" I sobbed into his chest. "No, I promise I won't Jenna because I care about you...a lot." "OkiMora." I sobbed. "What?" he asked clearly confused. "MY LAST NAME IS OKIMORA! MY NAME IS PRINCESS GENAVIEVE FAITH OKIMORA AND I HAVE MAGICAL ABILITIES!" Now I knew he was scared. "It's okay just drop me and run, you'll only get killed to anyway. They always kill the people I love." "Jenna, who's they." He said sternly and concerned. 

     "They are an elite gang known as the Okitaru. They've murdered quite a lot of people, including Jenna's family." All I could do was sob. I couldn't talk, I WOULDN'T TALK, not for a while I just shut my eyes and the world faded.  I opened my eyes and found the host club around me. "What? You guys haven't run yet? I'm surprised. No matter, I'll always be alone. They always tell me that's how it should be and they're right. I only scare peop-" I began sobbing. "We're not going anywhere." Kaoru and Hikaru said taking my hands in theirs. "We told you we were family." Tamaki smiled at me. I only sobbed more. I managed to squeak put a "thank you" and continued sobbing. "I don't deserve you guys." I said drying my tears and laughing. "Well now that you know we aren't leaving, how about telling us more about these powers of yours they sound cool!" I blinked. "Not with him in here." I glared at Kyoya. "I'm not ready to forgive him just yet." I muttered as everyone looked thoroughly confused but nodded their head as Kyoya was ushered out of the room.

      "*sigh* Well I guess we start with this." I said spiking up a tiny flame on my finger but quickly putting it out. "It was a winter morning and my mother had told me some dangerous men were here and to stay inside the castle but I heard some people talking about how all the wood was wet and people were freezing. I snuck out to help them, by lighting everyone's fireplace. But that was a mistake." I began sobbing. " The people my mom were talking about was the Okitaru Clan. They saw me use my magic and wanted me to help them hurt people. I of course said no and they chased me back to my castle. They were about to throw a knife right at me, but my mom stopped it long enough for me to be taken to safety. She's dead because of me." I broke down. I couldn't do anymore so I forced myself into unconsciousness. 

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