I Remember! Jenna's Boyfriend?

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     I awoke to see the people staring at me with hopeful glances. "Recognize any of us?" One of the twins asked. I shook my head and backed away behind Tamaki. "Can we trust these people?" I whispered. He sighed and nodded. "Hello. My name is Genavieve." I curtsied and returned to my spot behind Tamaki. They all just sighed and introduced themselves. "I'm Hikaru" Said one twin. "I'm Kaoru." The other one chimed n. "And we're the Hitachiin twins." They finished together. "Ok, so you guys seem sorta familiar, but I feel like my brain is saying you're shady." They smirked. "So she does remember us a little!" They fist bumped. "I'm Kyoya Ootori." The one with the glasses held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at Tamaki and he nodded. I shook his hand and smiled. "Pleasure Hitachiins and Kyoya." They just smiled sadly. What is it? Did I say something wrong? What if I really did forget them. I'd feel AWFUL! The last two were a girl and a tall boy. "I'm Haruhi Fujioka." She also stuck her hand out. I shook her hand and smiled. "Glad to see I'm not the only girl here besides Izzy." She also smiled sadly. Why are they all so sad? Is it my fault? "I'm Takashi." The tall one looked down at me with sadness in his eyes. Much to my shock I found myself on his shoulders. "W-wait...My head hurts. This seems familiar...TAKASHI?!" I looked down. "HOW DID I GET UP HERE?!" They all just stared. I swear I saw a small tear in his eye, but he quickly blinked it back. "You remember me?" I nodded. "Why, did I forget?" He nodded. My face fell, along with me. I felt people shaking me but I was so...tired...

Tamaki's POV: 

     I watched in horror as her eyes closed and she fell to the ground, head first. We shook her, splashed her, yelled at her, but nothing worked. Hikaru tried KISSING her, and to my surprise she woke up. "WHAT THE HELL HIKARU WHY ARE YOU KISSING ME! GET OFF!" He just tackled her in a hug. "Kaoru get your stupid brother OFF of me!" Kaoru began tackling her in a hug. "Haruhi? Tamaki? Kyoya? Mitskuni? TAKASHI? For gods sake someone HELP!" We all helped her up and she looked confused to see everyone crying. "Why are you guys crying? Especially Mr. Shadow King over there." She motioned to Kyoya. "YOU HAD AMNESIA AND FORGOT EVERYONE! WE TRIED SO HARD TO GET YOU BACK! YOU HIT YOUR HEAD AND NOW YOU'RE BETTER!" Kaoru yelled hugging her again. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. SLOW DOWN! I don't remember forgetting!" We just smiled. "It doesn't matter, after a long month you're finally better. We missed you." I was shocked. "Kyoya? YOU HAVE A SOUL?!" She yelled as she started started laughing and so did everyone else, even Kyoya. We all sat around and chatted, filling her in on what she missed. 

Jenna's POV:

     I just sat there shocked. "So when we were playing hide and seek at my house, I hit my head a lot and ended up with AMNESIA for a month?!" They all nodded. "I don't think I want to get in any more trees....FOR A WHILE!" I groaned. They all hugged me again for like, the MILLIONTH time today. I hugged them back and smiled. I didn't mind. "Jenna!" Oh lord. "hey Renge!" I said putting on a smile. "Glad to see you're better!" I just kept smiling. "W-we all missed you very much." I was surprised to find Renge crying and hugging me. "We had to sit here and watch everyone suffer! We all missed the happy Jenna who was always bouncing around and joking! The one who got Kyoya to bake and have a cake fight! The one we all know and love!" I was suddenly overrun by hugs "GUYS HELP ME!" I yelled in despair. Takashi lifted me onto his shoulders and I hung on for dear life. "MORI-SENPAI?! GIVE HER BACK! WE WANT TO HUG HER AND TELL HER HOW MUCH WE MISSED HER!" Renge yelled I felt myself be switched to Tamaki's shoulders. I whispered. "I missed you... father." I smirked knowing I had gotten to him. "DID YOU HEAR THAT SHE CALLED ME FATHER!" I found myself being spun in circles. "BOSS! YOU'RE MAKING HER DIZZY!" He apologized and set me down. I stumbled for a moment then fell on my but, the world still spinning. "Are you ok Jenna-Chan?" Mitskuni asked. "Mhm." I nodded groggily. I yawned. "I'm going to take a nap now ok?" I just curled up on the floor and fell asleep. The last thing I heard was the screams of the girls, "KAWAII!" 

     I woke up and stretched. I rubbed my eyes and got up to find I was in my room. I wonder who brought me home. I looked to see Kaoru asleep next to where I had been lying. I guess it was him. I gave him a peck on the cheek and felt a small spark. OH NO! OH GOD NO! I CAN NOT BE IN LOVE WITH KAORU!  Izzy opened my door and smiled evilly. "I heard your thought. You are totally in love with him!"I blushed and nodded. "OOOOHHHHH! YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!" I shook my head. "What if it ruins our friendship?" I sighed. He moved. "It won't, I love you, too." I blushed a mad shade of red. "Uumm. I-I" I was cut off as he pulled me into a kiss. The spark exploded into fireworks and I kissed him back. "Did you feel that?" He nodded and kissed me again just to be sure. The spark was even more forceful. "Want to be my girlfriend? I like the spark I get when I kiss you, and the feeling I have when I'm around you." I nodded and blushed. "That's great you two!" Hikaru said coming up behind Izzy and grabbing her waist. I looked at them and eyed Hikaru. "ARE YOU GUYS AN ITEM!?" The nodded and kissed. We both squealed. The guys smiled and kissed us on the head. We walked into school holding hands. Everyone stared, but I didn't care. I love Kaoru and that's all that matters. I was confused before, when I thought I loved other people, but emotions are hard to sort out. I had finally realized I love Kaoru and nothing was going to change that. I smiled. "Why are you smiling?" Kaoru asked as he poked my side. "I was just thinking bout how much I love you." He blushed and cupped my cheek. I could hear the girls squealing around us. "I was thinking the same thing he whispered. I blushed a deep red. "SO KAWAII!" We were rushed with questions. "When did you guys become official?" "Are you in love?" "Is he a good kisser?" I sighed. "We started dating last night, yes, and DEFINITELY YES." He blushed at the last one. I looked up to see a girl glaring at me, I didn't pay her any mind. Everyone conradulated us and wished us the best of luck. 

~Time skip due to LOVE :3 ~ 

    We entered the host club and everyone eyed us as we held hands. "KAO-CHAN? JENNA-CHAN? ARE YOU...DATING!?" Mitskuni yelled running to us. We nodded. Kyoya looked at Kaoru and frowned. He shrugged. "He asked me this morning actually." Kyoya continued to frown. "Kyoya, are you ok?" I asked worriedly. He nodded. I sighed. "Let's get hosting!" and we rushed to our places.

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