I Hate When...

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1. You text me while I'm in the middle of texting you, NOW! I have to change the whole text!

2. I'm singing a song & the artist gets the words wrong.

3.That moment when you realize you're chewing on someone else's pen you borrowed.

4.  It's dark and my brain is like "  Hey, you know what we haven't thought about in a while, Monsters."

5. You think you're done with the dishes, then turn around to see pots on the stove.

6. You pour cereal into a bowl then open the fridge and realize there's no milk.

7. You make a stupid face & your crush looks right at you.

8. I step on a wet spot with socks on.

9. You fall in love with a piece of clothing and price tag is over $35.

10. I hold my phone in my hand & it starts to sweat, my phone slips right outta my hand square on my face.

11. My charger stops working. ( Every Teenagers Nightmare )

A/N: " If any of this has happened to you, you can either comment below or message me. Because a lot of this stuff happened to me more than 1 time. "

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