Pencilling You In -8

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(Thinking about a title change so don't freak out if you see that :)

The next few weeks passed like a blur. A few texts here and there, plans that they made, some cancelled, some quick dinners, short and sweet. It was simply not enough for Liam and too much for Cassidy. She was barely keeping her head above water as it was. Liam had flipped her life upside down, she has forgotten what it was like to not get his texts, to not see his smile.

She had just fallen asleep on her couch covered in a blanket of documents with her laptop teetering on her chest. She woke up with a start to hear the sound of her phone ringing. She answered the groggily.

"Hello?" She croaked, she was getting sick again. She could afford to be sick.

"Hi, Candy. The report? Yes, yes I was just about to email it to you...No babe I'm fine, might be getting a little sick." Cassidy spent the next few minutes listening to Candy's crazy home remedies and the details of her latest escapades with her Spanish flavour of the week, Javier.

"What? No! He asked you to lick it? I don't know what's worse that he asked or that you actually did it." Talking to her best friend was good for her soul, it helped her feel 'human' instead of being a working robot. She missed their mimosa Mondays but work had gotten too crazy. She smelt her shirt, ugh she needed to do some laundry.

"Yes, I'm listening Candice." Just as she was about to throw her shirt in the washing hamper, she received another call.

"I'm gonna have to call you back, someone else is calling me."

She had only briefly mentioned Liam to Candy. She was afraid of the cross questioning and the screaming and the pressure. Even a slight mention had Candy freaking the fuck out. She smiled as she remembered her reaction.

"Have you done it yet Cass? I bet your vagina has cobwebs inside it, you need some action."

She picked up the second call and was surprised to hear Liam's voice on the other end of the line.

"Liam, hey..."

"Cass, you forgot didn't you."

"Did we have plans...Oh crap, we did!"

"I am so sorry, I got caught up and, and..."

"It's alright, let's reschedule." Forgiveness came so easily to him, easier than he was accustomed to and easier than it should have. It made him hard for her to find a flaw within him. She felt she didn't deserve him at times. 

"No, No, I feel so know what, why don't you come over for dinner. I can't cook but I'll get some pizza delivered... It will be fun." The words flew out of her mouth not thinking of the mountain of work that needed to be climbed.

Two hours later she opened the door, she had dressed casually and managed to look presentable despite feeling extremely under the weather. She smiled, and gently opened the door.


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